the Blues in the eyes of Kylian Mbappé

the Blues in the eyes of Kylian Mbappé
the Blues in the eyes of Kylian Mbappé

He arrived with a big smile, and he left with it. A half-hour interview was planned, the exchange lasted an hour, that Friday afternoon in Clairefontaine. It must be said that Kylian Mbappé undertook a special exercise for his only speech in a media since the start of preparation for the Euro in Germany (June 14 – July 14). For once, there was no question from him, but from others. For Ouest-France, the captain of the Blues agreed to present all the players who will try to win the only title missing from his selection list.

The moment seemed opportune, as he prepared to compete in his first international competition with the armband around his arm. In the “blue house”, as he calls it, Mbappé and his 25 years represent a link today. Between the six 2018 world champions and the five players who are playing their first international competition this summer. Between the captains and the rookies, the thirty-year-olds and the newly-adults. Between generations.

Photos in hand, the captain took the exercise very seriously, varying with his famous dexterity between the footballing qualities and the personalities of each of his teammates, during an unfiltered, casual conversation, sometimes intimate, punctuated by laughter and confidences, far from any form of calculation and distrust. What emerges is a photograph of the French team, a look at twenty-five careers that could change at the dawn of an international summer and a dive into the intimacy of a group which has the opportunity to enter into the history of French football.

Second part on the seven midfielders: N’Golo Kanté, Aurélien Tchouaméni, Youssouf Fofana, Warren Zaire-Emery, Adrien Rabiot, Antoine Griezmann and Eduardo Camavinga.

Midfielders: “From the first days, N’Golo Kanté swept aside all doubts”

N’Golo Kanté (33 years old): “Not only does he run a lot, but he runs intelligently”

“Ah, NG! Seeing him again in Blue was a surprise, because we’re a bit like everyone else: we haven’t watched all the matches in Saudi Arabia this season. So there was some uncertainty when he arrived. From the first days, he swept away all doubts. He hasn’t lost anything. He has a thousand lungs. But to only mention his extraordinary activity would be simplistic: not only does he run a lot, but he runs intelligently. I’ve known players who ran a lot, but they didn’t recover as many balls. He knows how to position himself, anticipate, read the game. He has always been like that, but he has improved in this area with time and experience. It’s as if this quality has become his specialty over time. I am convinced that he will have a great competition.

I have the feeling that the whole group is sincerely happy that he is with us. His character hasn’t changed: he’s still reserved, but if you start a conversation with him, he talks with you. But he will not take the lead. On the other hand, what’s crazy about him is his very competitive side. You play cards or consoles with him, you don’t think he’s like that, but the guy is ready to do anything to win. It’s surprising, because you give him the good Lord without confession. But when you think about it, it’s the mark of champions. No matter their personality, this constant desire to win, anywhere, anytime, characterizes them. »
READ ALSO. “A beast on the pitch, a cream off it”: Kylian Mbappé tells his teammates, part 1, the goalkeepers and defenders

Aurélien Tchouaméni (24 years old): “His curiosity demonstrates his great intelligence”

“A young talent. Since his arrival, he has seen his status evolve in the French team, where he is now a starter. Aurélien is a thoughtful person, who has a good head. He is in a constant quest for improvement, so pays close attention to details. For example, he is very attentive to video work, reviews his matches with great seriousness, asks a lot of questions. It even happened that he questioned me…



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