Athletics 10,000m | The tragic title of European vice-champion of Yann Schrub

Athletics 10,000m | The tragic title of European vice-champion of Yann Schrub
Athletics 10,000m | The tragic title of European vice-champion of Yann Schrub

We didn’t think we’d say this once in our lives, but we’re dreading athletics for the Olympics. And it’s not Yann Schrub who will reassure us.

For the last day of the European Championships, the 10,000m final was supposed to comfort us after the multiple blows suffered during this interminable week. But from the first hectometers, the 2023 European cross champion Yann Schrub shows that he is in good shape. The one who snatched the bronze medal in 2022 in Munich from under Jimmy Gressier is aerial again. But it would be imprudent to underestimate the race of the Northerner, recent French record holder in the 5000 meters and above all, best European performer in history over 10 km. Here is the new shameful face of French athletics.

Yann Schrub keeps our heads underwater

But back to the race, where the last of the 25 stadium laps takes place. Yann Schrub dared to take the lead of the race for a few meters in the last bend, before the Swiss Dominic Lobalu corrected this professional error. But the damage is done, the Mosellan crosses the line in second position and wins the silver medal in 28’00”48, 16 hundredths from gold. Our only satisfaction from this race, coupled with Jimmy Gressier’s 5th place of course.

Barely has the race finished when Yann Schrub rushes to grab a tricolor flag and put a stuffed rooster on his head. He will never leave them again. We greet his aficionados in passing, the only reason for our guilty tenderness towards the Sarregueminois. Worthy of the Schrub turn.

“I watched Gladiator this afternoon, I’m going to go to the Colosseum tomorrow, I wanted to show that I was Maximus on the track” Yann Schrub

We would have loved to be his Commode.



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