The Club World Cup will be held without Real Madrid

The Club World Cup will be held without Real Madrid
The Club World Cup will be held without Real Madrid

Italian coach Carlo Ancelotti has announced that his team, Real Madrid, will not participate in the next FIFA Club World Cup. This statement was made during an interview with Italian media Il Giornale, published this Monday, June 10.

Real Madrid, through its coach Carlo Ancelotti, refuses to participate in the next Club World Cup. Don Carlo, in an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Giornale, did not mince his words about the competition.

“A single Real Madrid match is worth 20 million euros and FIFA wants to give us this amount for the entire cup. Negative», Demonstrated the Madrid coach. The Merengues completely distance themselves from Gianni Infantino’s new project. “ FIFA can forget this. Footballers and clubs will not participate in this tournament. Like us, several teams will reject the invitation », guarantees the tactician in the five Champions Leagues.

The competition, scheduled between June 15 and July 13, 2025 in the United States, will be played at the end of the national championships. This tournament adds to an already busy schedule for players and clubs. “ Next season we will start in August and finish in July. It’s crazy. They will kill the players » proclaimed a member of the Spanish club a few days earlier.

Real Madrid’s refusal to participate in this competition could encourage other teams to do the same. In total, 32 teams, including twelve European, six South American, four Asian, four African (with the Wydad Athletic Club as Moroccan representative), five from North America and one from Oceania were also scheduled to participate in the World Cup. clubs.



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