PSG angry with Mbappé after settling scores in public

PSG angry with Mbappé after settling scores in public
PSG angry with Mbappé after settling scores in public

During a very interesting press conference this Tuesday with the France team, Kylian Mbappé spoke at length about his last eventful months at PSG, making it clear that Parisian President Nasser Al-Khelaïfi no longer wanted to see him on the field. A notable outing, and very little appreciated within the club, according to AFP.

“Liberated”, “relieved” by the formalization of his signing with Real Madrid for the next five seasons, Kylian Mbappé emptied his bag this Tuesday at a press conference. The captain of the Blues, present in front of the media on the eve of France-Luxembourg, spoke at length about his very complicated last months at PSG. Without wanting to appear like a martyr, without ever quoting Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, the 25-year-old striker suggested that the Parisian president no longer wanted to see him on the field, after his decision not to activate his last optional season in Paris .

“They made me understand that I would not play with Paris, they said it to my face, they spoke to me violently, they told me,” assured Mbappé. “Luis Enrique and Luis Campos saved me. I wouldn’t have set foot on the pitch again without them. It’s the truth, that’s why I always had this recognition from the coach and the sports director.”

And to continue: “At PSG, I was not unhappy, that would be a spit in the soup and in the face of the people who defended me. I have always been happy. But things and people made me unhappy. ( …) It would be a bit of a bastard to come here afterwards and spit that I was unhappy, but things and people made me unhappy.”

‘Mbappe says something and everyone prints it like it’s the truth’

Strong statements… which did not go down very well with Paris Saint-Germain. Questioned by AFP after Mbappé’s public outing, PSG refused to comment but from a Source close to the club, it is estimated that the player “has absolutely no class”. “Nasser Al-Khelaïfi has never dictated the slightest decision to the team. Luis Enrique even said it himself but despite everything, Mbappe says something and everyone prints as if it were the truth,” continued the same Source.

As a reminder, the officialization of the transfer of Kylian Mbappé (25 years old) to Real Madrid did not resolve the dispute between the player and PSG, who did not pay the player his salary in April. More than a separation, a divorce.

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