Interclubs (men’s N3): Martres-Tolosane, after maintaining, the climb?

Interclubs (men’s N3): Martres-Tolosane, after maintaining, the climb?
Interclubs (men’s N3): Martres-Tolosane, after maintaining, the climb?

the essential
For their third consecutive season in Nationale 3, the players of TC Martres-Tolosane, currently ranked second in their group, already have the retention in their pocket. But this Sunday in Gironde, for the final day, they could achieve the climb.

“We approach this final day with humility. But this meeting in Gironde, we are going there to win it. » President of TC Martres-Tolosane, Christophe Ratier could experience, this Sunday, a new exploit from his troops. For their third consecutive season in Nationale 3, the Martrais already have the retention in their pocket. Nevertheless, on the courts of the TCI du Fronsadais, they have the opportunity to achieve the climb.

“In the ranking of our group, we are in 2nd place with 10 points, one length behind the leader, Boulogne-Billancourt. When starting this new Interclub campaign, the priority was to obtain maintenance. The climb would be the icing on the cake. So, no pressure to have. We have a rather favorable goal average. As a result, a victory or a draw could allow us to finish at least second best and, therefore, to reach the upper level. But I say it again, we remain humble,” explains Christophe Ratier. “The possibility of going up is really a bonus,” insists captain Paul Juffrault, ranked 4/6.

“There were no easy matches”

In their balance sheet, after four contested days, the Martrais have three victories and one defeat. The latter, conceded on the grounds of TC Boulogne-Billancourt, also leaves regrets for the president of the TCM: “Yes, there are regrets because, on paper, it was within our reach. The meeting was scheduled on clay, the favorite surface of our players. But due to the rain, we had to play on indoor hard courts. Of course, it’s not about finding excuses. But it’s still a shame because we could have ended up at the top of the rankings.”

Before starting these Interclubs, the Martrais expected close matches. In the end, they were served. “There was no easy match,” confirms Paul Juffrault, surrounded until now by the Spaniard Mario Mansilla Diez (-4/6), the former Blagnac player Yannick Thivant (-4/6), the Italian Giannicola Misasi (-4/6) and the Argentinian Joel Fausto Garagarza (0).

Almost flawless in doubles

Two statistics to remember in the ranks of the TCM: of the sixteen singles contested in four days, the Martrais won six in three sets; as for the doubles, they pocketed seven out of eight. “We know that doubles very often make the difference in these team matches. Having won seven out of eight, it proves above all good group cohesion,” underline Christophe Ratier and Paul Juffrault.

On paper, the TCI du Fronsadais has two players at the top of the list at – 2/6, one at 1/6 and two at 2/6. “But beyond the team compositions, we are especially thinking about the playing surface, which will once again be tough,” warns the Martre president.



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