Pamiers. Twinning: Horaff welcomes young athletes from Crailsheim

Pamiers. Twinning: Horaff welcomes young athletes from Crailsheim
Pamiers. Twinning: Horaff welcomes young athletes from Crailsheim

the essential
They arrived yesterday, greeted by these astonishing yellow “w”s which have flourished in recent days on the roundabouts: a delegation of 53 young athletes from Crailsheim, as part of the twinning.

It is the symbol of the twin town of Crailsheim: yellow Horraffs (1) have appeared on roundabouts in recent days. They announced the arrival, this Sunday, of a delegation of around forty young athletes from the German city, as part of the sports twinning between the two cities, a twinning which dates from 1969 (the sports twinning itself, was founded in 1977, on the initiative of Jean Turbe, then president of the Association of Sports Companies of Pamiers).

“They are aged 13 to 17 years old, continue Annie Simon and Monique Delgal, respectively secretary and assistant secretary of the Jumelage Sportif Pamiers association, chaired by Moïse Budon. Throughout the week, they will participate in sporting exchanges on the stadiums of the city and tennis”. Welcomed by Appamean families during their stay, these young Germans practice tennis, football, athletics and shooting. They will be joined in Pamiers this Wednesday by Cristofer Grimmer, the mayor of Crailsheim, and by Cristofer Salinger, responsible for sports twinning with Pamiers.

This coming will be the occasion for numerous exchanges, both fraternal and cultural; “This is the objective of sports twinning,” emphasizes Annie Simon. “It’s about building connections and making them last, while creating an event in the city.” Two festive evenings are planned, open to all (see opposite), with the presence, and this is exceptional, of a German orchestra specially come from Crailsheim.

Note that last year, a group of around a hundred young athletes, and their chaperones, went to Crailsheim as part of these exchanges.

(1) The history of the Horraff of Crailsheim refers to the siege of the town in 1380. The inhabitants had made flour cones of this shape, to make their attackers believe that they still had comfortable reserves of food. They had thus obtained the lifting of the siege.




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