Jesper Fredberg would have made his decision regarding Brian Riemer – All football

Jesper Fredberg would have made his decision regarding Brian Riemer – All football
Jesper Fredberg would have made his decision regarding Brian Riemer – All football

Brian Riemer, stop or still? RSC Anderlecht fans are asking themselves the question and, for many, the answer should be no… but Jesper Fredberg doesn’t seem to agree.

The case Brian Riemer poses a few questions to Sporting Anderlecht. What the Danish coach did this season is objectively a success: the Mauve & Blanc went from 11th to 3rd place in the standings, and were one toe away from winning the club’s first title since 2017.

But some also point out the real shortcomings of Riemer, who lacks tactical flexibility. The vague relationship he maintains with Jesper Fredberg also leaves one wondering, as well as the latter’s influence: we remember that it was… Fredberg who declared, point blank, that Anderlecht “would play in 4 -3-3 and not otherwise”, a mantra that Brian Riemer has only applied since.

Brian Riemer will stay

It was therefore doubtful that Fredberg would part ways so easily with Brian Riemer, at the end of a generally successful season. The symbiosis between the two Danes is such that it would be difficult for the RSCA sports director to part ways with his compatriot, not to mention the admission of failure that would be the dismissal of Riemer.

Het Laatste Nieuws confirms these impressions this Thursday. According to the Dutch-speaking daily, Jesper Fredberg’s decision has already been made, regardless of what happens on Sunday, even if Anderlecht misses out on 2nd place.

Brian Riemer will therefore remain the coach of RSC Anderlecht, and will be present at the resumption of training scheduled for early June in Neerpede. This time, however, we expect real pressure around not only the results, but also the implementation of a slightly more attractive game, which has been lacking all season.



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