“Serious violations of our code of conduct”: incident in the middle of a chess tournament, a grandmaster excluded

“Serious violations of our code of conduct”: incident in the middle of a chess tournament, a grandmaster excluded
“Serious violations of our code of conduct”: incident in the middle of a chess tournament, a grandmaster excluded

Lhe world of chess is shaken by a new scandal. After serious suspicions of cheating surrounding a player’s performance, an American grandmaster, Christopher Yoo, was excluded from a tournament organized by the renowned Chess Club.

“At the end of his game on October 16, grandmaster Christopher Yoo crumpled up his score sheet, rushed out of the tournament room and punched a videographer from behind. The Saint Louis Chess Club immediately provided assistance to the videographer and called the police, who intervened,” the organization responded after the incident.

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It continued: “Chief Referee Chris Bird expelled Yoo from the tournament due to serious violations of our Code of Conduct and the US Chess Federation’s Safe Play Policy. The Saint Louis Chess Club fully supports this decision and has banned Yoo from the club. Yoo’s results from rounds 1-5 will be voided, and the tournament rankings will be adjusted accordingly. Players who were scheduled to face Yoo in the remaining rounds will be byewhich means they will benefit from an extra day of rest. »

“We take player conduct seriously and do not tolerate any violation of our standards. We acted quickly to resolve this situation, ensuring a respectful and safe environment for all tournament participants,” the club concluded in a statement.

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‘If I speak out, I’ll be in trouble’: chess caught in cheating paranoia




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