Maho, first transgender boxer, prepares for his fight against a man in

Maho, first transgender boxer, prepares for his fight against a man in
Maho, first transgender boxer, prepares for his fight against a man in Marseille

He is considered the first transgender boxer recognized in et “probably in Europe”specifies on France Bleu Provence the lawyer Michel Pautot who advises Maho Bah-Villemagne. A status that the boxer, now 30 years old, assumes more easily. “At first it was a status that I didn’t want to have, tells the one who is lieutenant in the air force in Marseille.

“Before we were hidden, now we are visible”

“I was afraid of being coded to this story of a monster in sport or an athlete. And in fact I am extremely proud of it. I received a lot of messages of support, from young athletes lost precisely on these questions there. Young people from all sports. Lots of combat sports, MMA, Kickboxing, Boxing and many other sports as well. Come on, what are we going to do. It’s a new societal issue. Before we were hidden, now we’re visible and we’re going to have to do what we do with ourselves.


“I feel 100% boy”

Maho Bah-Villemagne was therefore born a woman before starting his gender transition in summer 2022. “It’s not a choice at all, he explains, It happens to us without us wanting it. Because I didn’t want to come to that. I wanted to hide at the base. I felt like I had a masculine side. A little turned into a lot and I wanted to deny it. But there is a time when yourself is stronger than anything. I feel 100% boy even sometimes too much (laughs). My girlfriend says to me “sometimes I feel like you were born dude (sic)”.

Change of marital status

In his fight to have his identity recognized, Maho wins a first victory on December 22, 2023. “A lovely Christmas present” when he receives the official document of his new civil status. Now recognized as a man, the one who is already French military champion and vice-champion of French amateur in the women’s category, then launches into another battle: obtain a license to continue boxing among men.

Things are moving quickly. The French Boxing Federation grants him this right to box as an amateur in May 2024. While waiting for his first official fight against a boxer, Maho Bah-Villemagne continues his preparation where he started boxing in 2017. At the Refuge, a small boxing gym in the heart of Le Panier where France Bleu Provence has set up its microphone.


“He accepts a difficult fight”

In its fight for inclusion, Maho has the support of his trainer Diégo and his training partners as verified by France Bleu Provence.


Despite a slight setback After two fights canceled Last summer, Maho did not despair of getting into the ring to fight a man in an official match. “Time, he thinks, is an ally. He wants to believe that society is evolving as well as the view on gender identity. An opinion shared by Maître Michel Pautot, the Marseille lawyer is with his father Serge, at the origin of great conquests for the rights of athletes. He too is optimistic about the fight for inclusion. “Today we talk about Maho, but in thirty years we will talk about his victory.”




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