Behind the scenes of Belgian football: “D’Onofrio was shouting at me to get out of the room” – Tout le football

Behind the scenes of Belgian football: “D’Onofrio was shouting at me to get out of the room” – Tout le football
Behind the scenes of Belgian football: “D’Onofrio was shouting at me to get out of the room” – Tout le football

Sven Jaecques, CEO of Antwerp, learned the tricks of the trade from Luciano D’Onofrio then Marc Overmars. Very different methods.

“It is by practice that we become a blacksmith and by negotiating that we learn to negotiate” explains Sven Jaecques, interviewed in the new book by the journalist from Newspaper, Yanko Beeckman“In de Kleedkamer”. “Ideally, you can shadow someone and learn by observing. Otherwise, it’s a matter of trial and error.”

Jaecques refers to his collaboration with Luciano D’Onofrioan experienced negotiator well known for his theatrical style during negotiations. The former Antwerp boss passed on valuable lessons to Jaecques. “Luciano is a completely different type of person than me. He’s a very good actor,” says Jaecques.

Together, they often alternated the roles of ‘good cop’ and ‘bad cop’ during negotiations. “With people I got along better with, he was difficult, and vice versa,” Jaecques explains. “Sometimes he would even yell at me to get out of the office during discussions with a player, and we would pretend to talk separately.”

Overmars knows well how to use club position to get more than anyone else could

Since the arrival of Marc Overmars as a sports director, Jaecques learned a different style of negotiation. “Marc has his own way of working. He has a great reputation and a very good history, which he uses without being arrogant,” explains Jaecques.

“He doesn’t get lost in details, but if he believes in a player, he makes sure all parties are happy.” According to Jaecques, Overmars is very motivated and goes to great lengths to make a deal, but he also understands well what the other party wants and uses it strategically. “Marc knows well how to use the club’s position to achieve more than anyone else could.”



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