The national “Sport without doping” caravan stops in Ifrane

The national “Sport without doping” caravan stops in Ifrane
The national “Sport without doping” caravan stops in Ifrane

The “Sport without doping” caravan, organized under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, made a stopover Thursday in Ifrane, thus continuing its 9th regional tour which recently began in Taza via Meknes.

This initiative organized by the Moroccan Anti-Doping Agency (AMAD) has the main objective of raising awareness of the dangers of doping as a public health problem which does not only affect athletes, through a discourse accessible to all categories. targeted.

In a statement to MAP, the president of AMAD, Fatima Abouali, underlined the importance of this caravan, which tends to promote a healthy lifestyle, to encourage sporting practices without resorting to illicit substances, and to strengthen training and information for young people, teachers and parents on the risks associated with doping and food supplements of questionable origin.

She considered that the fight against doping constitutes “everyone’s business”, underlining the imperative for all to fight against this scourge from a young age with the aim of preserving health in general.

For his part, the governor of Ifrane province, Abdelhamid El Mazid, said that doping in sport is a global phenomenon which remains one of the most important challenges to face due to the fact that it constitutes a violation of sporting ethics and causes enormous damage to health.

While emphasizing the importance of the Moroccan Anti-Doping Agency, he recalled that Ifrane constitutes a privileged destination for athletes, both from inside and outside Morocco, who prefer to train in its stadiums and sports circuits dedicated to the preparation of international competitions, as well as because of its ecological assets and its tourist infrastructure.

He added that sport has become an important sector which contributes to the country’s influence at the international level, to the promotion of the values ​​of citizenship and cohesion, and to the emergence of promising talents during international sporting events.
Mr. El Mazid stressed that the Moroccan people are proud of the achievements made in the field of sport at the national, continental and international levels under the enlightened leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

He also focused on the infrastructures set up in Ifrane, in particular the Mohammed VI International Athletics Academy, the peace sports complex, the indoor hall, as well as the local socio-sports centers, noting that the city ​​of Ifrane is preparing to host the 2030 World Cup in terms of accommodation and preparation.

The program of this caravan includes, among other things, educational workshops, scientific conferences, activities adapted and supervised by Agency staff, in addition to thematic meetings focusing in particular on the reasons for the ban on doping in sport. , the impacts of doping on young people, the means to combat this scourge, as well as the awareness-raising role played by AMAD in this area.

Created on January 13, 2021, in accordance with law 97-12 of August 30, 2017 and its implementing decree 2-18-303 of July 5, 2019, the Moroccan Anti-Doping Agency is an independent institution whose missions, in particular, are to prepare and execute the annual program of anti-doping control actions in sport in all its forms, to coordinate actions to prevent and fight against doping and to propose any measure likely to enable the prevention and fight against doping.



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