Apolline de Malherbe confused by this common trait of two of her chroniclers: “Which is which?”

Apolline de Malherbe confused by this common trait of two of her chroniclers: “Which is which?”

Since Monday, August 26, 2024, Apolline de Malherbe has been at the helm of a new season of “Apolline Matin” every day between 6:30 and 8:30 a.m. on RMC and RMC Story. Two of her columnists have a common trait and even she finds herself confused.

Since the start of the 2020 school year, Apolline de Malherbe has been at the head ofApolline Morning every day on RMC and RMC Story. For her 2024/2025 season, the host has reshuffled her team of columnists.

After conceding the departure of Nicolas Poincaré – who joined David Pujadas’ production company -, RMC orchestrated a return to its roots. Eight years after leaving to devote himself to new projects, Matthieu Belliard returned to the station, which was recently bought by Rodolphe Saadé, head of the shipping company CMA-CGM.

Matthieu Belliard returns to RMC and Charles Magnien

The former columnist of Aurélie Casse in It’s the weekly on France 5 has taken the lead in a daily news report. At 7:50 am, he is in charge of orchestrating “Explain Matthieu Belliard to us”. By joining the teams ofApolline Morninghe found an old accomplice. This one is none other than Charles Magnien, with whom he had evolved in the morning show of Jean-Jacques Bourdin before his departure for Europe 1 in 2018.

A reunion that Apolline de Malherbe did not fail to celebrate with her listeners during the season premiere ofApolline Morning. “I can even tell you, It’s quite wonderful to see them behind the scenes because it’s a reunion.. It’s a friendship and what we experience on the set here, I think it’s not the case everywhere! It’s that in real life, we love each other too!”,…

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