Estelle Denis’ beautiful tribute after the death of Didier Roustan

Estelle Denis’ beautiful tribute after the death of Didier Roustan

A unique character. A few hours after the announcement of the death of sports journalist Didier Roustan at the age of 66, Estelle Denis paid him a moving tribute at the start of her show Estelle Midi this Wednesday on RMC. The one who worked alongside this football figure recalled what made this character known to all football fans unique.

“I knew him well, already because I had known him on Téléfoot when I was little, and then because I had the chance to work with him on the L’Équipe channel. He was the life president of L’Équipe du soir. Didier, he was a certain idea of ​​football. He loved Maradona more than anything, he loved the beautiful game, Argentina. He had an offbeat, different tone. And completely improbable shirts. He was completely out of place. We will all miss him, and football will miss him,” confided Estelle Denis.

The face of Téléfoot

Presenter of the show Telefoot on TF1 between 1986 and 1989, Didier Roustan had left the first channel, unhappy with the effects of the privatization of 1987. He then joined Canal+ then Antenne 2 (renamed France 2 in 1992) where he participated in the creation of the League Cup and commented on Euro 1992 with Michel Hidalgo and the 1994 World Cup with Éric Cantona.

But it was on the L’Équipe channel, which he joined in 1999 and where he would work alongside Estelle Denis, that he would have his longest stint, alongside Pierre Ménès and Karim Nedjari, first in Finally some footballthen in the show The Evening Teamwho will grant the title of “president for life” to the lover of the beautiful game that he was. RMC Sport presents its condolences to the family of Didier Roustan.

- RMC Sport


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