Prince Harry inherits controversial 40th birthday gift: brother is very angry

Prince Harry inherits controversial 40th birthday gift: brother is very angry

Prince Harry received a sum of around 8 million euros on the occasion of his 40th birthday, an inheritance left by his grandmother, nicknamed the “Queen Mom”. This long-planned windfall is causing tensions, particularly with his brother William.

Prince Harry turns 40 on Sunday, and will receive €8 million from his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, to mark the occasion. “The least we can say is that the rebel of the royal family is now a very rich man.”underlines Thomas de Bergeyck, journalist at RTL Info. “He knew he would receive this sum when he was 40. It was a decision of his late grandmother, the Queen Mom, who had provided in her will that her grandchildren and great-grandchildren would benefit from this inheritance, but only at that age.”

This testamentary provision would have been thought out so that the beneficiaries would have sufficient maturity to manage this money. “She believed that 40 was the ideal age, wise enough to invest and spend money wisely, but still young to enjoy it.”, explains Sophie Lagesse, journalist for SoirMag.

The sum was not, however, divided equally between Harry, William and their cousins. “Queen Mom left Prince William a lot more money”specifies Sophie Lagesse. Indeed, the latter would have received half of the sum of his brother at the age of 40. However, this difference does not reflect a preference for one or the other of the princes. “William, as heir to the throne, will inherit the royal estate, including the duchies of Charles III which bring in around 45 million euros per year,” add Thomas de Bergeyck.

Persistent tensions between William and Harry

Despite this explanation, relations between the two brothers remain tense. William would not like his brother to benefit from such a large sum. “He is very angry with Harry for receiving this money, especially knowing that he now lives in the United States,” note Sophie Lagesse. “William cannot imagine that English money, inherited from a real Englishwoman, would go across the Atlantic.”

For Harry, this inheritance comes at an opportune time as he has not received any financial support from the British Crown since his departure. “This money will allow him to maintain his expensive lifestyle, particularly for his villa in Montecito and his staff,” analyses Thomas de Bergeyck, who also specifies that Meghan Markle, his wife, would have expensive desires.

A difficult reconciliation, but a return to England considered

If finances exacerbate tensions between the two brothers, a reconciliation still seems far away. “At the funeral of their uncle Robert Fellows, they did not speak to each other”Thomas de Bergeyck points out. However, the idea of ​​Harry returning to England has not been completely ruled out. “It seems he is keen to renew contacts, particularly with former advisers at Buckingham Palace,” says Sophie Lagesse.

So, a comeback for Harry in England? Why not. But a reconciliation with his brother… that’s a whole other story.

Watch the show “Place Royale” this Saturday at 7:50 p.m. on RTL TVI and RTL Play.

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