Miguel Bonnefoy, Eduardo Halfon, Richard Flanagan, Pierre Assouline… The selection of books from “Sud Ouest”

Miguel Bonnefoy, Eduardo Halfon, Richard Flanagan, Pierre Assouline… The selection of books from “Sud Ouest”

…and Guatemalan. Two brothers from a Polish Jewish family exiled in Guatemala and then in the United States go to a summer camp in the middle of the forest in the Altiplano region. And everything changes, because the camp turns into a nightmare under the rule of a violent and hateful anti-Semitic leader. “Tarantula”, by Eduado Halfon, ed.

Novelist Ian Manook writes under various pseudonyms.

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Dark novel. Immersion in the world of the Parisian suburbs in the 1960s. Idle kids turn to petty crime while dreaming of big things. And everything goes wrong. “Le Pouilleux massacreur” by Ian Manook, ed. La Manufacture de livres, €18.90.

Narrative. In “Question 7”, the Australian writer Richard Flanagan delivers a virtuoso autobiography which tells, in parallel with the story of his youth, the invention of the atomic bomb. “Question 7” by Richard Flanagan, ed. Actes sud, translated from English (Australia) by Serge Chauvin, €22.50,

Family chronicle. Hélène Gaudy gives a sensitive testimony about her father, the vibrant homage of an only daughter to a whimsical and modest collector. “Archipels” by Hélène Gaudy, ed. de l’Olivier, €21.

Literary history. Who were d’Artagnan, Cosette, Julien Sorel, Emma Bovary and Captain Nemo? Who inspired these iconic novel characters? Christophe Hardy has investigated and delivers a fascinating gallery of portraits. “The Incredible Destiny of Novel Heroes” by Christophe Hardy, Novice ed., €19.90.

Why do sea lions gather together? Read in Thierry Lodé’s book.

AnimaBio- CC-BY

Sciences. Thierry Lodé is a specialist in animal sexuality. In this opus, he studies more broadly the gregarious functioning of many species and questions their social organization and the meaning of gatherings. It’s amazing. “Le Pacte des lions, une socio-écologie de la vie sauvage” by Thierry Lodé, éd. Odile Jacob, €23.60.


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