Five days after his return from Argentina, Auradou in training


Still charged with rape – the request for dismissal will be examined this Thursday, the French international completed a physical preparation session with Section Paloise.

French international Hugo Auradou, who returned from Argentina on Wednesday where he is still being prosecuted for rape and sexual assault, was back at the Pau training center on Monday morning, AFP learned from a source close to the Béarn club, confirming information from the newspaper Sud Ouest.

The 21-year-old player came to have his fitness assessed and a first physical preparation session. He will then follow individualized work for several weeks outside the group. No recovery schedule for collective training and a return to competition is yet on the agenda, according to the same source.

The second row was authorized last week by the Argentine justice system to return to France while awaiting the legal consequences of his indictment for aggravated rape, which also concerns La Rochelle third row Oscar Jegou.

Also readAuradou-Jegou case: the FFR welcomes “with satisfaction” the decision of the Argentine prosecutor’s office

The two players are still being prosecuted for “gang rape” of a 39-year-old Argentinian woman who spent part of the night of July 6-7 in their hotel room in Mendoza, after a France XV test match.

Verdict this Thursday for the dropping of charges

The investigating judge in charge of the case is due to rule on Thursday on the request for dismissal filed by the lawyers of the two players.

Asked by AFP, the Pau Section did not wish to comment on the return to training of its player. Last week, the club had said it welcomed “with joy and relief the return to French territory of its second row Hugo Auradou”, considering that it was “one more step towards the recognition of his innocence”, in a press release in which it indicated that it would not make “any comments pending the conclusion of the procedure”.


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