Maupay’s dig at refereeing in Ligue 1

Maupay’s dig at refereeing in Ligue 1
Maupay’s dig at refereeing in Ligue 1

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The subject of arbitration is hot on the OM side after the match against OL where the early expulsion of Balerdi almost had a very heavy impact on the final scenario of the match. So obviously, when Provence questions a Neal Maupay who doesn’t have his tongue in his pocket, the subject of arbitration comes up again.

The OM striker, who arrived only a few weeks ago, did not take long to point out some inconsistencies that were important to him. “I need a little more time to gain perspective. But I was quite surprised against by the number of fouls called by the referee and the little contact allowed. The referees held meetings with the clubs this summer to explain that they wanted to allow more play, but for the moment that is not what I saw. I’m not talking about mistakes, because there are everywhere and it’s complicated to be a referee, but in terms of commitment, I have the impression that they allow less play.

Maupay more nuanced on Balerdi

A clear observation from Maupay, on the other hand, less spicy on the Balerdi controversy. The striker considered that this decision was not a collective arbitration problem, but more of a decision in the moment. “It’s complicated, each referee is different. Perhaps another championship referee would not have put the red on. I am for letting it play because there is more intensity and fewer cuts. It can only do good for football,” believes Neal Maupay in any case.

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To summarize

Neal Maupay did not hesitate to point the finger at the refereeing while the last OL – OM match in particular sparked some controversy. The OM striker is particularly targeting certain decisions in Ligue 1 which lack consistency.



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