Michel Barnier made the firefighters laugh with this admission for his “first official outing”

Michel Barnier made the firefighters laugh with this admission for his “first official outing”
Michel Barnier made the firefighters laugh with this admission for his “first official outing”
ALEX MARTIN / AFP With this admission, Barnier (here September 28) made the firefighters laugh for his “first official outing”


With this admission, Barnier (here September 28) made the firefighters laugh for his “first official outing”

POLICY – Bad lease. Michel Barnier went to Mâcon, in Saône-et-, this Saturday, September 28, to participate in the 130th firefighters’ congress. His first trip outside since he was appointed head of government. The opportunity for the new strong man in the executive to deliver his first speech of this kind in his new clothes, and to discuss his own (precarious) situation at Matignon.

« So here we are in Mâcon for this very first official outing. I have been here for 20 days. I don’t know how long I’ll be here… “, he told the platform, causing several laughs in the audience. And to add: “ taking into account the very unique situation for 60 years and unprecedented in the National Assembly”, fractured into three blocks, none of which has a majority.

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In fact, Michel Barnier’s government is very fragile. Built on an unstable alloy, from Macronie to the hard right of Bruno Retailleau, it is under the already heavy threat of the National Rally… In addition to being constrained by a budgetary situation ” extremely serious. » Not enough to imagine a radiant lease on rue de Varennes.

Barnier “firefighter”

Despite this, the head of government feels “the soul, will and energy of a firefighter” in view of the “fires” and “pitfalls” that he discovers on his way. “When I also see, to tell you the truth, the risks, the fires, the pitfalls, the earthquakes, the holes, not to mention the pandemics (…), I feel the soul, the will, and the ‘energy of a firefighter’he said from Mâcon.

Michel Barnier once again deplored having discovered a budgetary situation “extremely serious”targeting without naming the former Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire. All this, with very tight deadlines to refine its roadmap.

“Never has a Prime Minister, never in 60 years, been forced to present a budget in two weeks”he underlined, deploring that , due to its deficit of 6% of GDP this year, “is now borrowing (on the markets, editor’s note) at rates which are close to those of Portugal, Spain and soon Greece”. One fire among others to put out.

Also see on HuffPost:

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