The particularity of Bruno Irles’ contract with the Girondins, with the social plan in the background

Bruno Irles is the coach of the Girondins de . There is no doubt about that, as there is no doubt about the fact that Dado Prso is his assistant coach. However, as revealed by Sud Ouest, the coach of the National 2 team has only committed for one month so far, with the status of manager.

If one can have the impression that things were “badly done”, this decision is related to the situation of the Girondins de Bordeaux, currently in receivership, and especially with regard to the social plan in progress. Indeed, in this context, the Commercial Court could not have accepted the recruitment of new coaches, while several currently at the Club will leave the Club au Scapulaire in the coming days.

With this decision, FCGB exposes itself to non-compliance with the regulations. Thus, the regional daily speaks of a fine of €1,500 per match, and potentially a sporting sanction, namely a withdrawal of points, after five days played (Bordeaux is currently on three, and that will make four against Châteaubriant this Saturday). This is probably also why the contract is valid until the end of September, when Bordeaux will have played five matches (with the Coupe de match at the end of the month). After that, Bordeaux could/should possibly change the nature of Bruno Irles’ contract, if of course the social plan is effective. For the Girondin coach when he arrived, there was talk of a two-year contract, with an optional year in the event of promotion.

The FFF will study the case of the Girondins de Bordeaux. For the matches, he currently has the status of educator on the match sheets.

“I am lucky, and I say it, to choose my projects. I know that there are a lot of people who struggle to find a job, who struggle to have a salary at the end of the month. I am lucky to have been a footballer, to have put some money aside, to have also known positions that brought me a little more money. So I was not in a hurry to necessarily start a project again to absolutely find a job and absolutely come here to the Girondins de Bordeaux” (Bruno Irles on RGB)



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