Super XIII – Statement by Jean-Claude Estrampes, President of Saint-Gaudens – Rugby at XIII

Following the decision of the disciplinary committee, Jean-Claude Estrampes, President of Saint-Gaudens, wanted to react.

To follow the decision of the Disciplinary Commission of the Elite Rugby League League which was held on October 9, 2024 and where heavy sanctions were taken against the Racing Club Saint-Gaudinois Comminges XIII as part of of the French SUPER XIII Championship match between Saint-Gaudens and Villeneuve/Lot on Saturday September 28, 2024, I would like as President of this club to provide details.

First of all, it should be remembered that this club, which is developing a policy of training, integration of young people and diversity in the territory, which results in a significant increase in the number of licensees, is based in particular on values such as respect for others, tolerance and mutual assistance. Also, this club cannot be, strictly and in no way, associated with the incident which took place on Saturday September 28 at the Jules Ribet stadium between the linesman and a member of the club, which is truly an isolated case.

Furthermore, it seems necessary to me to specify that the club deploys significant resources in terms of security at the Jules Ribet stadium; which allows it to ensure the smooth running of sporting events, whether they are within the framework of the French SUPER XIII Championship, final phases as was the case in June of this year or international with /England in July 2023.

However, the Racing Club Saint-Gaudinois Comminges XIII is particularly concerned by this incident and in particular by the comments reported, as well as by the sanctions set against it by the Disciplinary Commission, on a financial and especially sporting level. Also, several decisions have now been taken with:

  • The holding of two extraordinary meetings at the club’s head office, week 42;
  • A new interview with the club’s licensee, week 42;
  • Submission to the Higher Appeal Commission, October 14, 2024;
  • An in-depth reflection on the issue of security at the sports venue level.

Finally and to finish, in addition to the monthly meetings of the Office of the Racing Club Saint-Gaudinois Comminges XIII, a specific meeting will be organized with the members of the Office when the conclusions of the Higher Appeal Commission are made official, in order to draw the consequences. both for Governance and for the Club.

Thirteen World Cup



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