Top 14 – The Oscar of the week: Maqala () avoids the crisis

Top 14 – The Oscar of the week: Maqala () avoids the crisis
Top 14 – The Oscar of the week: Maqala (Bayonne) avoids the crisis

Author of a double and an almost perfect score more generally, Sireli Maqala, center of Rowing , was logically elected Oscar of the week!

And Cereal Maqal in jaillike a savior! There were only a handful of minutes left to play, Saturday afternoon, when the center flew into the in-goal, to score the winning try, after a crazy tap from Joris Segonds (76th ). He thus delivered a whole people and, above all, removed a great thorn in the side of his team, dominating in the first period (15-0), before being seriously shaken up (21-27 at this moment of the match). “Sireli does us good, because he always keeps us moving forwardunderlined Guillaume Rouet after the meeting. Something always happens when he touches the ball.” When he doesn’t have it? Maqala defends, and quite well. Against the MHR, he made 6 tackles (all successful) and scratched an important ball, which allowed Lopez to give his team some breathing space (18-14, 51st).

He is keen to show all his talent

Author of a double on Saturday, the Fijian recalled that, when he is in good shape, he is the most dangerous boy in the Bayonne squad. “Last yearcontinued Rouet, Sireli was injured. This year, he is keen to show all his talent. If he can continue like this, that’s fine with me.” Grégory Patat, his manager, would now like his player to progress on connections. “Tonight, Sireli took advantage of the spaces that were created, because he is dominant in one-on-one situationsnoted the technician. With him, life is easier when you need X factors, but sometimes he has trouble staying in the patterns. However, today, we must recognize that he did us good.” Because without its last attempt, transformed by Segonds, Rowing would be last, before the trip to , and on the verge of crisis.



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