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In Washington, Bourita pleads to prioritize the fight against terrorism in Africa

In Washington, Bourita pleads to prioritize the fight against terrorism in Africa
In Washington, Bourita pleads to prioritize the fight against terrorism in Africa

Nasser Bourita during the 11th ministerial meeting of the Global Coalition against Daesh. Credit: Morocco Diplomacy

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Nasser Bourita, reiterated, during the 11th ministerial meeting of the Global Coalition against Daesh, held Monday in Washington, the capital importance of placing the Africa at the center of the global fight against terrorism, faced with the alarming rise in terrorist activities on the continent.

Despite the successes achieved in the Middle East region, terrorism has redeployed towards other regions, particularly in Africa, Bourita indicated during this meeting chaired by the American Secretary of State, Blinken, with the participation delegations from 87 countries.

Faced with this reality, Bourita underlined the importance of increased international mobilization to support the efforts of African countries in the fight against terrorism. The minister, who insisted that these efforts must be guided by principles of solidarity, sovereign equality and shared responsibility, notably warned that the concept of “African solutions to African problems” must not be used as a pretext for non-action by the international community. “Terrorism, being a transnational threat, requires a global and concerted response”he added.

Morocco positions itself as a key partner in this fight, notably through its role as co-chair of the Africa Focus Group of the World Coalition, alongside the United States, Saudi Arabia and Italy. , added the minister during this ministerial meeting of the Global Anti-Daesh Coalition, which commemorates its 10th anniversary.

He also highlighted the impact of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Program Office, based in Rabat, which trained more than 1,500 African experts in less than three years, thus strengthening the continent’s capacities to deal with this threat.

While highlighting the importance of maintaining stabilization and rehabilitation efforts in the liberated areas, Bourita warned, in this context, that the climate of violence and fragility in the Middle East constitutes a favorable breeding ground for radical groups. allowing them to nourish their ideology and strengthen their ranks.

The minister concluded by emphasizing the urgency of giving absolute priority to the terrorist threat in Africa, in order to guarantee security and stability on a global scale, affirming that “victory against terrorism in the world requires victory against terrorism in Africa”.

Created in 2014, the Global Coalition against Daesh brings together 87 countries and international organizations united in the fight against the terrorist group Daesh. It aims to dismantle the terrorist networks affiliated with this group, to dry up their sources of financing, to counter their propaganda, and to stabilize the regions freed from their influence.

Morocco is a member of the World Coalition and co-chair of the Africa Focus Group, a working group on Africa under the World Coalition, alongside the United States, Saudi Arabia and Italy.

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