Top 14 – : Posolo Tuilagi seriously injured in his left leg against Clermont

Top 14 – : Posolo Tuilagi seriously injured in his left leg against Clermont
Top 14 – Perpignan: Posolo Tuilagi seriously injured in his left leg against Clermont

Author of a huge start to the game against Clermont, Posolo Tuilagi seriously injured his left leg in an opposing tackle. Looking at the images, which are very difficult to watch, it seems that the Catalan colossus is suffering from a fracture.

We were playing the 17th minute of this -Clermont when Posolo Tuilagi remained on the ground. After yet another big percussion, the second line of the Usap raised his arm to the sky, vehemently calling for the trainers.

It was then that referee Ludovic Cayre stopped the game, to fuss around the French international. Many players put their hands on their heads as they saw the severity of the injury. Tackled properly by Barnabé Massa, Tuilagi seriously injured his left leg. Looking at the images, it would seem that the Usap colossus is suffering from a fracture in his tibia. At the time of writing these lines, it is impossible to say the true nature of this injury, even if the images spoke for themselves…

“Everyone was shocked”

“Everyone was shocked but we have to stay in the match”declared Franck Azéma at the microphone of Canal +. Evacuated on a stretcher after several minutes on the ground, Posolo Tuilagi raised his thumb straight to the sky, as if to reassure his loved ones and the Perpignan supporters. However, he should miss long weeks of competition.



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