Guy Béart uncompromising with his daughter Emmanuelle, memorable memories for the actress

Guy Béart uncompromising with his daughter Emmanuelle, memorable memories for the actress

Guy Béart died on September 16, 2015 and his disappearance saddened many people. A public man respected for his art, in private, the singer could be tough as revealed by his famous daughter Emmanuelle Béart.

Guy Béart had two daughters: Emmanuelle Béart (whose mother is Geneviève Galéa), an actress who needs no introduction, and Eve, (whose mother is Cécile de Bonnefoy du Charmel), a jewelry designer. They are the ones who now take care of their father’s estate. Although they decided to sell the singer’s Garches house for 20 million euros a few years ago, Emmanuelle and Eve had brought together around twenty artists for the tribute album to their father, From Béart to Béart(s). On this occasion, the star of Manon of sources had agreed to several interviews in which she discussed her relationship with him.

And what we were able to discover is that Guy Béart liked to control everything.He was uncompromising, quite authoritarian, transmitting particular things to us. It was important to him that a child knew how to be bored, so he sent us to our rooms (…) He said that we needed absolute rules and permanent exceptions. When you’re 8 years old… We also had to write down everything he told us” she told the newspaper at the time. Figaro.

Guy Béart did not let his daughter Emmanuelle choose her career

It was also he who decided that she would be an actress, whether she liked it or not. Daniel Auteuil’s ex remembers: “At the age when I wanted to become a majorette in Australia, he said to me: ‘You will be an actress’. He had…

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