In divorces, there is often resentment on the part of the one who was dumped. The one who lays out and becomes bitter is usually the one who got fired.
Macron is not France, even less the French that he institutionally embodies. They were the first to fire him as far as I know!
I don’t know if this is due to the French language, but French politicians, caught up in lyrical flights of fancy, have often started to make blunders!
Le Pen with his Durafour Crematorium, Chirac with the noise and the smell in the buildings where immigrants reside… Sarkozy, within our walls judging that the black man had not entered history.
And yesterday Macron, apparently not yet made history, treated Africans as ungrateful, because they had failed to say thank you to France. But thank you why finally? For slavery? For colonization? For the centuries-old siphoning of African resources? For Françafrique and its venomous tentacles? For the mess in the Sahel created by the destabilization of Libya?
Honestly, there are days we’d be better off being deaf. Almost, he would have called us “shithole countries”, like Donald Trump, if not worse!
Finally, all this shows that Africa has no other choice than to take responsibility and be the master of its own destiny. She is rich but yet remains poor. It is poor but yet so rich, in its resources, in its demographics, in its size, in its diversity. But until yesterday there were few men up to the challenge. Flanked by leaders often comparable to Meka in the old negro and the medal of Ferdinand Oyono. That’s over, the page is turned!
It’s Hollande who must be laughing in secret. Speaking of ingratitude, he could tell us something about his protégé, whom he gave birth to, fed and fattened before succumbing to his stab! Thank you who?
Thanks befits human relations, but States have not friends but interests. If France, at full speed, rushed to Mali, Niger and others, it is certainly not to save the ungrateful but to protect its interests. Niger, I remind you that France draws Uranium there, among other things, to feed its nuclear power plants, its industries, and to light and heat its cottages.
The response of Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko Safna Sap*! It arrived like lightning, at the height of the affront, devastated the little ground that remained for cozy relations between intelligent and polite people. Macron only reaped what he sowed. Thank you and Goodbye seems to say Senegal to Mr. Macron! But Mr Macron is neither France nor the French! He’s him and that’s it! Scrogneugneu, his ancestors from beyond the grave would tell him, those who, alongside the riflemen, fought for the honor of France.
*spicy, spicy!
Oumou Wane is president of Citizen Media Group – africa7.