Poilievre also worse than Trudeau, according to St-Pierre Plamondon

Poilievre also worse than Trudeau, according to St-Pierre Plamondon
Poilievre also worse than Trudeau, according to St-Pierre Plamondon

(Québec) Paul St-Pierre Plamondon met en garde les Québécois au lendemain de la démission de Justin Trudeau. Si le chef conservateur Pierre Poilievre prend le pouvoir, « le mépris envers le Québec » restera le même.

Publié à 12 h 45

Mis à jour à 13 h 10

Le chef du Parti québécois a convoqué la presse parlementaire mardi matin pour dépeindre le « terrible » bilan des neuf années du gouvernement Trudeau. Paul St-Pierre Plamondon n’avait pas plus de bons mots pour Pierre Poilievre, premier dans les intentions de vote au fédéral.

« Que ce soit la gauche trudeauiste multiculturaliste ou la droite conservatrice de l’Ouest canadien, le mépris pour le Québec demeure le même », a indiqué M. St-Pierre Plamondon, citant la récente l’entrevue du leader conservateur accordée à Jordan Peterson.

« C’est très frappant parce que la compréhension de Pierre Poilievre du mouvement indépendantiste depuis sa fondation […] boils down to saying that it’s because the economy is not doing very well under Trudeau, and that he is going to fix that. You really have to have spent very little time interested in Quebec to make a statement like that,” he added.

On Monday, the PQ leader had harsh words for Justin Trudeau on the X network, accusing him of having lost control of immigration, which caused “the worst housing crisis”. Federal services “already thin have deteriorated,” the debt has exploded and liberal rule has given rise to “ideological excesses of all kinds,” he lamented.

“Let us remember that Justin Trudeau is not dead. He resigned, and not of his own free will, he was forced to resign when he did everything to hang on. This morning, therefore, I will not prevent myself from providing the fairest and most factual assessment possible,” added the PQ leader on Tuesday.

“Let’s get out of here!” »

According to Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, what will happen on the federal scene over the next few years will be a “resounding” demonstration of the need to make Quebec a country. However, he is not ready to say whether the possible arrival of Mr. Poilievre at the helm of Canada would increase support for independence which remains stable (35%, Léger October 2024).

“Let’s get out of here.” Voting Conservative to see the contempt for Quebec’s interests and then voting Liberal, and seeing the contempt for Quebec’s interests, and always doing this loop leads us to a confirmed decline that we can see in Quebec at all levels. », Launched Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon without mentioning the Bloc Québécois option.

According to him, the Conservatives could “correct certain ideological excesses” of Justin Trudeau, whom he also describes as “woke”, such as the appointment of a special representative of Canada responsible for the fight against Islamophobia or “policies by color of skin”.

“But we must understand that what the conservatives […] will bring also comes with its share of deviations. It’s a different genre. But is this a reflection of our democratic will? Does this reflect what we, in Quebec, think? In both cases, these are regimes that will not take Quebec into account because we do not carry enough weight,” he said.

Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon criticizes Pierre Poilievre’s Conservative Party in particular for wanting to invest in fossil fuels, for not having a clear position on immigration and for having the same position as the Trudeau government on contesting the law. 21 on the secularism of the State.



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