Faced with inaction, urgent recommendations (Tribune)

Faced with inaction, urgent recommendations (Tribune)
Faced with inaction, urgent recommendations (Tribune)

The horrible tragedy of young Diary Sow, a girl of only 12 years old snatched from life in a violent and cruel manner, is a chilling reminder of the urgency to act against violence against women and children in Senegal.

We are witnessing a worrying rise in cases of rape, femicide and sexual abuse, often perpetrated in a culture of impunity and silence. These crimes, far from being isolated cases, are symptoms of a failing system that abandons its victims and lets criminals prosper. Diary Sow, Awa and so many others deserve justice.

Diary’s death must be a shock to our society.

Here are some recommendations to combat these systemic scourges:

1. Strengthen legislation and its strict application

Create a specific law for sexual violence, with increased penalties for crimes against children.

Establish a national register of child sex offenders and rapists, accessible to the authorities and institutions concerned.

Apply exemplary sanctions, without exception for religious, community or political authority figures involved in abuses.

2. Establish an effective prevention system

Introduce sex education and awareness programs in schools to teach children their rights and ways to protect themselves.

Train teachers, parents and communities to detect and report abuse early.

Set up an emergency hotline to report abuse, accessible to all victims or witnesses.

3. Provide immediate and long-term support to victims

Create emergency reception centers for victims of violence, offering free medical, psychological and legal support.

Guarantee that all victims of abuse have access to medical care, particularly in cases of early pregnancies due to rape.

Provide specialized and lasting psychological care for victims and their families.

4. Mobilize civil society and hold authorities accountable

Launch a national campaign to raise awareness of rape culture and encourage a change in mentality.

Involve community and religious leaders in the fight against abuse and make them aware of their responsibilities.

Demand regular reports from the authorities on the measures taken to combat sexual violence.

5. Improve the living conditions of vulnerable children

Strengthen surveillance of daaras and other religious institutions, with regular inspections and sanctions in the event of abuse.

Implement social policies to protect children from disadvantaged backgrounds and reduce their vulnerability to abuse.

Offer professional training for women and girls in order to make them autonomous and less exposed to violence.

6. Strengthen judicial and police capacities

Train law enforcement to handle cases of sexual violence with professionalism, respect and empathy.

Establish specialized courts to quickly judge cases of sexual violence.

Ensure the protection of witnesses and victims during legal proceedings.

A collective responsibility

Society can no longer be content to be temporarily scandalized before moving on to the next tragedy. The authorities, community organizations, feminist movements and every citizen must work together to build a society that refuses the trivialization of violence against women and children.

Diary Sow, and all the other victims should not be just names on a dark list. Their memory must be the spark for radical and lasting change. It is time to act.

Diabou Bessane Diouf



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