In Haute-Savoie, red vigilance triggered due to an episode of air pollution

In Haute-Savoie, red vigilance triggered due to an episode of air pollution
In Haute-Savoie, red vigilance triggered due to an episode of air pollution
DENIS CHARLET / AFP In Haute-Savoie, red alert triggered due to an episode of air pollution in the Arve valley.

POLLUTION – Maximum alert. The red alert level for fine particles was triggered this Sunday, December 29 in the Arve valley in Haute-Savoie, affected in recent days by an episode of atmospheric pollution. Vigilance extends from the Chamonix valley to the limits of the Pays Rochois.

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The prefecture specifies in a press release visible below that several measures are coming into force “from this night (…) at midnight” until the end of the pollution episode « type combustion » (PM10 fine particles). These measures are in addition to those already in force in the sector since the orange alert on Saturday.

Among them, the ban on the use of individual wood-fired heaters (fireplaces, stoves, etc.) and generators, the reduction of the heating temperature of buildings to 18 degrees, or even the lowering the speed to 70 km/h for speeds greater than or equal to 80 km/h.

Traffic will be differentiated for heavy goods vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tonnes on all roads in the air basin and only those with a crit'air sticker 0 to 4 will be authorized to circulate. For businesses and industries, it is particularly requested to postpone operations emitting pollutants (volatile organic compounds, fine particles and nitrogen oxides) until after the pollution episode.

Until then, the prefecture invites people “sensitive and vulnerable” to avoid intense physical activities outdoors, to postpone activities requiring the most effort or to move away from areas “with heavy car traffic”.

“No development” weather conditions are expected for Monday, with a “temperature inversion” Who “remains present throughout the region as well as cold temperatures”indicates the Atmo Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes air quality observatory on its website.

According to a report from Public Health dating from 2021, some 4,300 deaths in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region were attributable to fine particles.

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