Who are the many deputies already elected after the first round?

Who are the many deputies already elected after the first round?
Who are the many deputies already elected after the first round?

Marine Le Pen, Sandrine Rousseau, Philippe Juvin, Pierre Cazeneuve… At the end of the first round of the legislative elections, more than fifty candidates have already won their place at the Palais Bourbon.

A quick tour and already, their place in the Hemicycle. This Sunday, at the end of the first round, several dozen candidates were elected or re-elected as deputies. A greater number than in 2022 when only five parliamentarians had achieved this feat. These parliamentarians will therefore not even need to go through the second round, which will take place next week, and will be able, from tomorrow, to go to the National Assembly to recover their access.

All these candidates managed to collect the votes of more than 50% of voters and at least 25% of registered voters in their constituency. A difficult threshold to reach, particularly when abstention is high. They are now officially part of the next National Assembly, whose representatives will all be known on July 8, the day after the second round of these surprise legislative elections.

More than 37 RN deputies elected in the first round

This is particularly the case of the president of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, re-elected in the first round with more than 58% of the votes in her constituency of Pas-de-Calais. The RN vice-president of the Assembly, Sébastien Chenu (North), is in the same situation, as are several of the Marinist executives such as Edwige Diaz (Gironde), Laure Lavalette (Var), Julien Odoul (Yonne), Bruno Bilde (Pas-de-Calais) or Alexandre Loubet (Moselle).

Other RN deputies were elected or re-elected in the first round: Nicolas Dragon (Aisne), Eddy Casterman (Aisne), José Beaurain (Aisne), Jocelyn Dessigny (Aisne), Bryan Masson (Alpes-Maritimes), Franck Allisio (Bouches-du-Rhône), Nicolas Meizonnet (Gard), Aurélien Lopez-Liguori (Hérault), Laurence Robert-Dehault (Haute-Marne), Florence Goulet (Meuse), Emmanuel Blairy (Pas-de-Calais), Philippe Ballard (Oise), Anaïs Sabatini (Pyrénées-Orientales), Émeric Salmon (Haute-Saône), Sandra Delannoy (Nord), Bruno Clavet (Pas-de-Calais), Hervé de Lépinau (Vaucluse), Philippe Lottiaux (Var), Yaël Ménache (Somme), Julie Lechanteux (Var), Kévin Pfeffer (Moselle), Christine Engrand (Pas-de-Calais), Franck Giletti (Var), Philippe Schreck (Var), Rhierry Frappé (Pas-de-Calais), Matthieu Marchio (North), Alexandre Dufosset (North) and Guillaume Florquin (North).

The outgoing LR MP for the Alpes-Maritimes, Christelle d’Intorni, supported by the RN, is also re-elected in the first round.


More than twenty left-wing deputies

The left alliance of the “New Popular Front” has also stocked up. Many executives were elected or re-elected in the first round. This is particularly the case of the boss of the Insoumis group in the Assembly, Mathilde Panot, in Val-de-Marne, or of the boss of the socialists, Olivier Faure, in Seine-et-Marne. The ecologist Sandrine Rousseau was also re-elected in the first round in Paris, as was the Insoumise Clémentine Autain (Seine-Saint-Denis) and her colleague Manuel Bompard (Bouches-du-Rhône).

Other deputies from the left alliance were able to stand out by winning their seats in the first round. This is the case of Clémence Guetté (LFI, Val-de-Marne), Marie-Charlotte Garin (EELV, Rhône), Sébastien Delogu (LFI, Bouches-du-Rhône), Bastien Lachaud (LFI, Seine-Saint-Denis), Rodrigo Arenas (LFI, Paris), Sophia Chikirou (LFI, Paris), Éric Coquerel (LFI, Seine-Saint-Denis), Sarah Legrain (Paris) and Danièle Obono (LFI, Paris), Martine Froger (PS, Ariège), Aurélie Trouvé (LFI, Seine-Saint-Denis), Paul Vannier (Val d’Oise), Andy Kerbrat (LFI, Loire-Atlantique), Sophie Taillé-Polian (EELV, Val-de-Marne), Isabelle Santiago (PS, Val-de-Marne), Nadège Abomangoli (LFI, Seine-Saint-Denis), Carlos Martens Bilongo (LFI, Val d’Oise), Mickaël Bouloux (PS, Ile-et-Vilaine), François Piquemal (LFI, Haute-Garonne), and Elsa Faucillon (PC, Hauts-de-Seine).

Other personalities elected in the first round

Other deputies also managed to win their place at the Palais Bourbon after the first round. This is the case of Mikaele Seo (Wallis and Futuna), Moerani Frébault (Polynesia) and Estelle Youssouffa (Mayotte).

Renaissance MP Pierre Cazeneuve (Hauts-de-Seine) and LR MP Philippe Juvin (Hauts-de-Seine) also validate their place in the National Assembly.




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