Where does neuroticism, this mood disorder linked to negative emotions, come from?

Where does neuroticism, this mood disorder linked to negative emotions, come from?
Where does neuroticism, this mood disorder linked to negative emotions, come from?

Neuroticism, also called neuroticism, is a personality trait attributed to individuals who are predisposed to experiencing negative emotions.

Neurotic people are impulsive, as well as prone to mood swings and stress.

Neuroticism scores may be particularly high in adolescence, then decline or even stabilize in adulthood.

Are you prone to frequent mood swings, anxiety disorders and impulsive nature? Without knowing it, you may be suffering from neuroticism. This personality trait is defined by a predisposition to experience negative emotions. Affected individuals are often self-critical, resistant to criticism and feel like they are never up to par. Where does this mood disorder come from and can it be cured?

Neuroticism, a neurobiological origin

“The origin of neuroticism is neurobiological”explains Doctor of Psychology Guillaume Dulude in his video “Look at Neuroticism”, before specifying that “Thanks to the different statistics, we are able to eliminate all environmental factors.” In his book You’re not the problem! Anxiety, sleep, weight problems… The keys to acting against the mental disorders that are ruining your life!psychotherapist Pierre Bordaberry adds that “People with high neuroticism would have more abstract automatic thoughts, making more original connections, which would increase their creativity but would also “spoil” the present moment more with unpleasant past events or anxious predictions.” While there are several degrees of neuroticism, the 2023 study by psychologists at the University of Leipzig in Germany reveals that all neurotic people go through emotional states that “go outside the usual limits”.

Can neuroticism be cured?

Considered a mood disorder, neuroticism can decrease or even stabilize in adulthood, specifies Guillaume Dulude. However, it is necessary to work on this facet of one’s personality, instead of fleeing from negative emotions at all costs, declares doctor of psychology Pierre Bordaberry. Cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT) allow patients to replace negative ideas with emotions closer to their reality.CBT programs aim to modify this personality trait by analyzing the way of viewing the world and experiencing its negative aspect,” specifies the health professional. A healthy environment, mindfulness meditation and the practice of a relaxing activity can have beneficial effects on people suffering from neuroticism.

Marjorie RAYNAUD pour TF1 INFO



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