Nemesis attempts a coup at the meeting against the extreme right

7:55 p.m., Place de la République in Paris on June 27, 2024. It has been almost two hours since the Libertés! meeting, co-organized by StreetPress against the far right, took place between concerts, speeches and anti-fascist songs. Suddenly, while the boss of the CGT, Sophie Binet, speaks on stage, six blue signs rise in the middle of the crowd. They are held by four activists from the Némésis collective, including its president, Alice Cordier, a regular on the Bolloré sets, Anaïs, one of the spokespersons for the collective, and Yona, a young activist from Besançon, about whom StreetPress spoke to you ago a few months.

On the signs, messages against three candidates for the legislative elections invested by the New Popular Front, including the leader of the group LFI in the National Assembly, Mathilde Panot, or the anti-fascist activist of the Young Guard Raphaël Arnault, but also against Jean-Luc Mélenchon, against the MEP Rima Hassan, or even against the French Jewish Union for Peace (UJFP), an anti-Zionist Jewish organization, which suffers from a spelling error, Nemesis calling them “ UJPF ” On social networks, the Nemesis collective, who was accompanied by journalists from the far-right media Valeurs Currents and Occidentis, claims the action with the # “NewFrontPopulaireLaHonte”. A well-established media action that the collective is used to.

Strong security service

As with each of the happenings of this type of the small femonationalist group, the action does not last long. The activists take out their signs, surrounded by the strong arms of their security forces, then are quickly chased out of the crowd amid boos. They take several hits in stride. According to witnesses, one of the men had a bloody nose. Anti-fascist activists pursued them this time for a few hundred meters, before the police intervened. After a quick police check, Far-right activists are escorted to a metro entrance. End of the happening, and during this time our meeting continues, still between concerts and intervention by Judith Godrèche.

On social networks, Alice Cordier, the president of Némésis, says she employed a “professional” security service, two of whose members were “lynched by the antifas”. According to several witnesses and journalists, members of this security service allegedly tried to enter the area reserved for the organizers and speakers of the meeting, undoubtedly to try to have their happening on stage.

StreetPress in the sights

In the fascist sphere, Nemesis’s coup spread very quickly. If the small group targets the New Popular Front and “the antifas”, others quickly accused StreetPress of being responsible for the attacks brought to the members of their security service. Starting with Pierre Sautarel, head of the far-right site known for its fake news Fdesouche. The Twitter account of Fdesouche speaks of the “lynching of the activists of the Némésis collective by ultra-left thugs linked to the site @streetpress”, while Pierre Sautarel on his personal account states bluntly:

“@streetpress activists beating kids to the ground!!!!! »

Except that none of our journalists are near the fight, nor are they pursuing the Nemesis activists outside the Place de la République. Contacted on this subject, Pierre Sautarel told us that, as it concerns our event, he “applies the case law that [nous appliquons] to others, neither more nor less”, indicating that our informative tweet about the Némesis happening is “a demand”.

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NEXT Belgium, legislative elections, mask… what to remember from Kylian Mbappé’s press conference before the round of 16