F.-Z. Ammor: everything hoteliers need to know about the Cap Hospitality operation

F.-Z. Ammor: everything hoteliers need to know about the Cap Hospitality operation
F.-Z. Ammor: everything hoteliers need to know about the Cap Hospitality operation

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“With the constant increase in foreign arrivals and the deadlines of CAN 2025 and the 2030 World Cup, it is time to accelerate a fundamental project on our roadmap, that of investment in accommodation” , Minister Fatim-Zahra Ammor tells us, specifying that this new support mechanism for hotel operators will make it possible to improve and modernize the existing product.

“64,000 rooms have not been renovated since 2019”

Recalling that the government had granted, in the aftermath of the health crisis in January 2022, a subsidy of 1 billion dirhams for the upgrade of nearly 800 classified establishments with a view to relaunching tourist activity, the minister reveals to us that approximately 64,000 rooms have not received any upgrades in five years.

According to Fatim-Zahra Ammor, certain strategic destinations whose hotels are dilapidated show the urgency of working on concrete solutions.

Knowing that Cap Hospitality only concerns the years 2024 and 2025, hoteliers must submit their file from July 15 on the digital platform dedicated to Cap Hospitality, before having confirmation from the Ministry of Tourism and SMIT of the admissibility of their request, then to obtain the agreement of the partner banks of this operation.

“The objective of renovating 25,000 rooms should mobilize un maximum of 4 billion dirhams of investment”

And to add that this investment support mechanism, which is part of the objectives of the 2023-2026 tourism roadmap, was developed with regard to the tourism vision for 2030 and sporting events of CAN 2025 and the 2030 World Cup that Morocco will host on its territory.

It was therefore decided to set up a support and financing mechanism which aims to accelerate the upgrade of classified tourist accommodation establishments (EHTC), with a target objective of 25,000 rooms and an expected impact of a maximum of 4 billion dirhams of investment.

Thus, in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the hotel stock by facilitating the financing of its upgrade, the credits will have a maturity of 12 years, and all interests will be covered by the State.

“Interest-free credits to modernize part of the hotel park”

While specifying that the credits of 3 to 100 MDH will be jointly granted by the Mohammed VI Fund for investment and by partner banks for hotel upgrade projects, Fatim-Zahra Ammor describes it as “innovative and unparalleled in the history of Moroccan tourism”, this public system which is the result of concerted action by its department with the delegated ministry in charge of the Budget, the Mohammed VI Fund for Investment and SMIT.

“We developed Cap Hospitality to provide a concrete response to the problem of the aging of the park having not been renovated over the last five years, which could negatively impact our destination.

“It is, therefore, a unique opportunity to modernize rooms, renovate facilities, improve services, integrate cutting-edge technologies and adopt sustainable practices. Our hotels will thus be able to offer memorable hospitality experiences that will transform our visitors as passionate ambassadors of our country”, summarizes the minister who wishes to build a world-class industry, worthy of Morocco’s potential.

And to conclude that this major operation will make it possible to strengthen the current attractiveness of the Morocco destination, both for tourists and for investors, while guaranteeing a quality accommodation experience.

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