The Republicans appeal to the Council of State for the debate on TF1

The Republicans appeal to the Council of State for the debate on TF1
The Republicans appeal to the Council of State for the debate on TF1
JOEL SAGET / AFP A debate will take place between Gabriel Attal, Jordan Bardella and Manuel Bompard on the evening of June 25, 2024 on TF1.


A debate will take place between Gabriel Attal, Jordan Bardella and Manuel Bompard on the evening of June 25, 2024 on TF1.

POLITICS – A last minute hearing. While Gabriel Attal, Jordan Bardella and Manuel Bompard are preparing to face each other during a televised debate this Tuesday, June 25, five days before the legislative elections, a political party is offended at not being part of it. The Republicans, shaken by the departure of Eric Ciotti, therefore referred the matter to the Council of State for summary proceedings on Monday.

A hearing is scheduled for this Tuesday morning at 10 a.m., a Party source told AFP. The Republicans had already contacted Arcom on this subject, but the “audiovisual policeman” rejected their request last Friday.

The Party is now calling on the judge of the summary judgment of the Council of State to suspend the Arcom decision, in order to “ order it to, without delay, put the TF1 channel on notice to invite a representative of the Les Républicains party to participate in the debate on June 25″indicates the request sent by the party, of which AFP obtained a copy.

“The most important moment of the 1st round campaign”

The right believes “ highly damaging” that this debate takes place only in the presence of a representative of the presidential camp, the National Rally and the New Popular Front (NFP), taking into account the “ singular celerity » of the electoral campaign which has left barely three weeks of campaigning for political parties since the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly on June 9 by Emmanuel Macron.

“This debate is organized by the TF1 channel at a time when the audience is particularly large and in an emergency context which will make it the most important moment of the campaign for the first round of the legislative elections”estimates LR which recalls having obtained 61 deputies during the legislative elections in 2022 and 7.2% in the recent European elections.

Arcom’s refusal inevitably undermines respect for the pluralistic character of the expression of currents of thought and opinion to the extent that not all representative political groups will be present in this debate.underlines the party.

In his eyes, the Arcom “ failed to comply with its obligations (and) committed an error of law and committed a serious and manifestly illegal infringement of a fundamental freedom”.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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