Brussels government: Sven Gatz (Open VLD) rejects the majority with Team Fouad Ahidar

Brussels government: Sven Gatz (Open VLD) rejects the majority with Team Fouad Ahidar
Brussels government: Sven Gatz (Open VLD) rejects the majority with Team Fouad Ahidar

On Thursday, Mr Ahidar told Belga that he had heard unofficially from the Open VLD that the party did not want to be part of a government with him. In his blog, Gatz now confirms this information.

Mr. Gatz was on a list with Fouad Ahidar in 1999, but they have “moved a little more to the left over the years and a lot more toward religion.” “It’s his right, but it’s not my cup of tea. Forming a majority with your ‘team’ is therefore not on my list”.

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In his blog, Mr. Gatz wonders if the Team Fouad Ahidar list has not “penetrated” the Flemish people of Brussels by recruiting French-speaking voices. For the Open VLD member, there were three moments in history when the Dutch language group in Brussels was shaken: in 1971, the Flemish FDF (French speakers who deliberately acquired a Dutch-speaking identity card to create linguistic confusion) caused a stir within the Brussels Urban Council, at the turn of the century the former police commissioner Johan De Mol tried to make the Vlaams Belang as strong as possible in Brussels with a mass of French-speaking votes. “Today, Fouad is shaking things up. In fact, these shocks each time reflect the painful point of this moment in Brussels society: first the linguistic battle, then the push to the right and now the return of God (in all its forms) in politics. analyzes Sven Gatz.

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He sees two solutions: mixed lists with guaranteed representation of Dutch speakers, “but we are then dependent on French-speaking parties for the constitution of the lists”; or a Brussels vote with a second vote for each Brussels citizen in favor of a candidate from another linguistic group. In both cases, the number of Brussels deputies could be reduced to 60 or 50, he concludes.



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