Jorick Dorignac’s victory against Clotaire Poirier leaves fans wanting more

Jorick Dorignac’s victory against Clotaire Poirier leaves fans wanting more
Jorick Dorignac’s victory against Clotaire Poirier leaves fans wanting more

Have we ever seen a Top Chef winner who is unanimous on the networks? We rephrase. Have we ever seen anything that is unanimous on networks? No, it’s true but Jorick Dorignac’s victory for this 15th season of Top Chef on M6 divided X on a slightly different theme from other years. The young chef, who won against Clotaire Poirier, apparently lacked panache for his winning menu, built around scallops and French toast.

“Pleasing as many people as possible”

We’ll let you review the numerous tweets that complain about the consensus choices of the winner to note only this one:

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We know nothing about the diet of the 100 guests who participated in the banquet of this final episode in the kitchens of the Georges V hotel, but in fact it was these Red Cross volunteers who swung the vote. By winning more than 56% of the vote, Jorick won a clear victory.

“As there were around a hundred seats, I knew that I was going to have to create a menu that was both engaging but which could also please as many people as possible, all without lying to myself,” he explains to our colleagues at Figaro.

As for his unfortunate opponent, Clotaire Poirier, he will not have lost everything. In addition to the support of some of the networks, he gained that of Pierre Gagnaire. “You have won my friendship,” the chef told him at the conclusion of the show.



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