Philippe Poutou will be a candidate for the New Popular Front in Aude

Philippe Poutou will be a candidate for the New Popular Front in Aude
Philippe Poutou will be a candidate for the New Popular Front in Aude
NICOLAS MAETERLINCK / AFP Philippe Poutou, here in Brussels, Belgium, April 13, 2024.


Philippe Poutou, here in Brussels, Belgium, April 13, 2024.

LEGISLATIVE – A media candidacy in Aude. The New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) announced this Friday, June 14, the investiture by the New Popular Front of Philippe Poutou in the first constituency of the Occitan department, for the anticipated legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

The left alliance, which presented its common program this Friday, “has chosen to invest our comrades Philippe Poutou and Pauline Salingue as substitutes in the first constituency of Aude. We look forward to this campaign that we will build with all the activists from the different components of the Popular Front”said the NPA-Anticapitalist in a press release.

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He will notably face the outgoing deputy of the National Rally, Christophe Barthès.

The NPA is the target of an investigation for advocating terrorism

From the Insoumis to Place publique, including the Socialist Party, the Ecologists and the French Communist Party, the left-wing movements agreed on a single candidacy in the 577 constituencies.

The NPA’s rallying to the New Popular Front had been strongly criticized by the right and the far right, particularly given the positions of this movement on the October 7 massacres in Israel.

The NPA is in fact the target of an investigation for advocating terrorism, after a press release in which it recalled its “support for the Palestinians and the means of struggle they have chosen to resist”.

“The Israeli strategy, called the “lawn mower”, actually consists of physically and regularly eliminating new generations of activists and opponents of the occupation, in an endless cycle of repetition”wrote the NPA, adding: “this time, the offensive is on the side of the resistance”.

Also see on HuffPost :

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