In Brussels, the worrying breakthrough of the pro-Islam list of Fouad Ahidar, accused of being “focused on sharia”

NARRATIVE – The former socialist’s party became the second Dutch-speaking political force in the Brussels parliament on Sunday. Favorable to ritual slaughter, he made controversial comments on the massacre of October 7 and on the departure of a man to Syria.

A certain good nature, a gentle look and a smile that seems frank. Who could suspect that behind Fouad Ahidar and his eponymous list lies a program “focused on Sharia »as denounced by one of his political opponents in Belgium, Guy Vanhengel, of the Flemish liberal party Open VLD?

Despite these accusations, the emerging party of this fifty-year-old practicing Muslim, former socialist and Brussels MP since 2004, achieved a breakthrough in the Belgian parliamentary elections on Sunday June 9, a day on which the nationalist lists reached records in another election, that of Europeans. So much so that man would have already received “calls to ask (him) to launch lists for the municipal (elections), particularly in Koekelberg, Molenbeek Schaerbeek» – three Brussels municipalities with a large Muslim population – he declared during an interview with the television channel Bx1.

Second Dutch-speaking political force

In total, the Brussels Parliament is made up of 89 deputies…

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