“The goal is not to attack people”: effectiveness on the agenda of the MR-Les Engagés coalition?

Maxime Prévot (Les Engagés) and Georges-Louis Bouchez (MR) were the guests of RTL info 7 p.m. Big winners of the elections on the French-speaking side, they have almost all the cards in hand for the future of our country… and one slogan stands out: efficiency.

When a police officer explains to us that he must give 105 orders to leave the territory and that the decision is still not implemented, we have a problem.“, says Georges-Louis Bouchez. And Maxime Prévot outbids us: “Very clearly, we do not wish to pursue politics against people or against sectors.”

While they have just announced that they want to move quickly towards the formation of a Walloon government, the pair seems to have made efficiency a watchword. “We want to make a policy for efficiency, for the good management of public funds to ultimately respond to concerns, to everyday worries“, adds Maxime Prévot.

Police, justice, education, mobility… so many themes that risk being affected by potential future governance. “Same thing with court decisions, so there too, it’s the same word: it’s effectiveness, efficiency. No one should be afraid of efficiency, the goal is not to attack people but operations which today are not efficient and do not give satisfaction“, assures Georges-Louis Bouchez.

elections 2024 belgian elections 2024 mr les Engagés



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