Legislative elections 2024: update on alliances made on the left and right

The political parties are holding discussions to try to find agreements with a view to early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. The surprise announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron Sunday, after European resultsreshuffled the cards.

Everyone is pressed for time: applications must be submitted between this Wednesday and this Sunday at 6:00 p.m., according to the decree published Monday in the Official Journal, while the electoral campaign for the first round will begin next Monday. France Bleu takes stock of the agreements concluded or not concluded between political parties.

A “new popular front” on the left

To the left, PS, the Ecologists, PCF and LFI announced Monday evening “the formation of a popular front“ and go “support unique applications from the first round” of the legislative elections. A press release also signed by Place publique, the party of Raphaël Glucksmann, and Génération.s.

But who will embody this new alliance?It will clearly not be Jean-Luc Mélenchon“, accused in particular of ambiguities on the question of anti-Semitism, assured Raphaël Glucksmann, also excluding being head of government himself. He suggested the name of the former general secretary of the CFDT, Laurent Bergerspearheading the movement against pension reform last year.

Raphaël Glucksmann, who came first on the left in the European elections with 13.8%, also hopes that this gathering of the left can be open to the independent Liot group.

An “agreement” between the RN and LR

The Lepenist camp, with its new status as favorite after its triumph at the Europeanscontinues to push its advantage in order to build the “gathering” around Jordan Bardella, designated leader for Matignon in case of victory. With a strategy based exclusively on local arrangements.

“There will be an agreement between the National Rally and The Republicans” for the legislative elections, with “tens” of LR deputies who will be “invested” or “supported”, announced this Tuesday evening Jordan Bardella during an interview on the 8:00 p.m. news on France 2.

Earlier this Tuesday, Eric Ciotti declared himself favorable to an alliance with the National Rally. “I hope that all outgoing Republican deputies who wish not to have an opponent of the RN can not have competitors”, he announced this Tuesday. A decision that ulcerated most of the executives of his party. There are many voices calling for his resignation.

The head of the Republicans had also on Sunday ruled out any alliance with the presidential majority. “It is out of the question to enter into a coalition with this power which has damaged France so much“, he assured on X.

No agreement between the RN and Reconquest!

While a rally with the Reconquest party seemed to be taking shape, Marion Maréchal announced this Tuesday thatthere will ultimately be no alliance. “Jordan Bardella informed me this afternoon of a change of position and the RN’s refusal of the very principle of an agreement“, wrote the head of the Reconquest list in the European elections in a press release, “it is obviously a great disappointment for France“.

The regrettable argument put forward to me was that they did not want any direct or indirect association with Eric Zemmour“, she detailed. Monday, Marine Le Pen’s niece met RN executives and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, the boss of Debout la France, to try to finalize an agreement.

Édouard Philippe “reaches out” to the LRs opposed to the alliance

For his part, former Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said he wanted build a new majority this Tuesday on RTL. The mayor of Le Havre calls on all “Macron-compatibles” to be open to dialogue, and “hold out your hand” in particular to members of the Republicans opposed to the alliance with the National Rally advocated by Eric Ciotti. An initiative described as “dismaying” And “against nature” by the former LR.

“It’s pretty obvious that anyone who wants to join me is welcome,” declared Edouard Philippe on BFMTV, according to whom this “new majority” can not be “the reproduction of the architecture of the majority as it was designed in 2022”.



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