Why Bruay is the town where the RN of Bardella achieved its biggest score in France

On Sunday, just over six out of ten voters placed Jordan Bardella’s ballot in the ballot box in Bruay-La-Buissière (63.45% of the votes). This is still 2% more than in Hénin-Beaumont, the historic stronghold of Marine Le Pen. In fact, it’s still a little more than anywhere else. Because among the towns with more than 10,000 registered, it is in Bruay that the National Rally (RN) achieved its highest score in all of France.

Is this a surprise? Not really. Rather a trend which is confirmed over the course of the elections. Because only two years ago, during the legislative elections, Thierry Frappé became the best elected RN deputy in the country with 65.40% of the votes in the 10th constituency (Bruay and surrounding areas). In fact, in Bruay, the far-right party has continued to increase its dominance since its victory in the municipal elections in 2020.


Up to 15 to 20 points earned?

There is an effect of municipal and legislative notoriety. Especially municipal by the way », confirms Tristan Haute, lecturer in political science at the University of Lille, who estimates that the presence of an RN mayor in a municipality can gain 15 to 20 additional points for the party (locally) on this type of elections.


There is a complete erasure of the socialist left, Raphaël Glucksmann makes around 6%. This is significant because this disappearance augurs fairly large victories for the RN in this territory in the legislative elections. There is a real shift. In its few electoral strongholds, the RN managed to achieve very good results. This also shows that it is not because the RN comes to power that it is in difficulty. This is Emmanuel Macron’s bet but we see with Bruay that it is rather the opposite which is emerging. »


A trend to be confirmed

This is also what Ludovic Pajot also insists on. “ It demonstrates that when we are in charge, we are able to assume responsibilities and therefore lead. Voters trust us. » This Tuesday morning, he displayed his pride on his Facebook page after discovering that it was his city which had the most votes for Jordan Bardella’s list. “ Being the first city in France is a comfort for us, it proves that the city’s policy suits the inhabitants », Also commented Thierry Frappé, candidate to keep his seat in the Assembly. On June 30, it is not excluded that a new record will be broken.

In several polling stations in Bruay, the RN list exceeded 70 to 80%. – PHOTO CHRISTOPHE LEFEBVRE

“It’s not even a question of being racist…”

Nellie: “I voted for Jordan Bardella in relation to everything that is happening, purchasing power… We realize that with Macron, things are not better. It’s not even about being racist, it’s just the need for change. There are things that are not normal in France and that we accept. »

Marcel and Franciane: “It goes so well with the mayor, we can ask him things and I always have an answer. We trust the mayor therefore we trust the party. And anyway, things have to change. We’ve been on the side of the National Rally for a while now. »

Claudine: “My husband and my son voted for Bardella. I voted for Ecology. We don’t agree on this at all. They think that the retirement (departure) age will decrease again if it is the RN who wins. And then my husband, he is not for immigrants. He thinks that with Bardella, there will be no more immigration. But those who are there, they are not going to leave? And then the others, they are fleeing their country, so they have to go somewhere. »

Up to 80% in some polling stations

By analyzing more precisely the results of European women in the 18 polling stations of Bruay-La-Buissière, we see that the RN list is still in the lead, by a large margin. In fact, there is only one office where Jordan Bardella does not reach 50% (office 18, Georges-Hurtrel room) and even there, it is only a matter of a few votes. It is therefore still on the Labuissière side that we find the “lowest” scores. Everything is relative since the far-right party always collects at least half of the votes. And so it is office 6 (Jean-Jaurès school) that he breaks all records with 81.17% for the RN, just ahead of office 5 (Basly school) with 78.03%.



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