an impossible dilemma for the MEP

an impossible dilemma for the MEP
an impossible dilemma for the MEP
JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP The dilemma of Raphaël Glucksmann (here on May 30 in Paris) facing the new Popular Front


The dilemma of Raphaël Glucksmann (here on May 30 in Paris) facing the new Popular Front

POLITICS – The soloist’s score. Since the various left-wing parties agreed to work on a “new popular front” for the legislative elections, late Monday evening, many voices have shown their relief in a historic moment.

All the voices? Almost. Even the most refractory personalities to Nupes, the New Popular Ecological and Social Union which was formed in 2022 to send 150 deputies to the Palais Bourbon, today support the movement, at a time when the far right is striking at gates of power.

In Occitanie, Carole Delga affirms for example that she will take her full part, in the wake of Yannick Jadot (EELV) or Fabien Roussel (PCF), three elected officials not necessarily inclined two years ago to bring everyone together under the same banner. In reality, today’s fly is called Raphaël Glucksmann.

Ally with the Rebels…

The party he founded, Place Publique, signed the joint press release on Monday evening, which paves the way for the gathering of the different chapels. But his lieutenants seem to be attempting a backpedal this Tuesday, insisting on the red lines to be respected in the upcoming program. If there is a program.

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In fact, the MEP is in an uncomfortable position. After promising his activists to be the guarantor of a renovated social democracy throughout his campaign, here he is – like all the others – taken by surprise by the upheaval decided at the Élysée. More precisely, he faces a dilemma which risks offering him no favorable outlet.

The first option would be to join the agreement that is being put in place between the PS, France Insoumise, environmentalists and the Communist Party. To run for, why not, a few nominations. An interesting hypothesis, demanded loudly by the various parties, their activists and the unions, but which for Raphaël Glucksmann would amount to toying with the Mélenchonists whom he has never ceased to ridicule. And, in the process, put the towel on an acrimonious European campaign, the outcome of which he was unable to savor: a double-digit score placing him clearly at the head of the race on the left.

It is no coincidence that among the few points that the MEP is trying to impose is the condemnation of “ brutality » of political life. He has clearly not forgotten the violent attacks of the rebels, his adversaries of yesterday, who accused him, among other things, of not being forthcoming enough in supporting Gaza, of representing the vanguard of the new Dutchism or of wanting to promote war against Russia.

Or take the risk of dividing the left?

Difficult in these conditions, after the exchange of names and the highlighting of fractures – sometimes overplayed – to come to terms with the formation that he would have liked to ban from the left. And that did him well.

The other option for the person concerned would therefore be to stick to their positions, believing that the prerequisites for union cannot be met. For the moment, Raphaël Glucksmann mentions support for the Ukrainian resistance, European construction, the repeal of the pension reform or respect for public debate as so many red lines.

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However, these points have not been called into question by the Insoumis until now. The radical left group has also abandoned the Nupes program, which it nevertheless wanted to impose again, and seems inclined to leave Jean-Luc Mélenchon aside for this agreement.

From then on, Raphaël Glucksmann would run the risk of being seen as the chief divider of the left. Worse, taking on the role of the one who favors ultimately the coming to power of the National Rally. This camp that he has established as priority enemy since his involvement in politics. Not easy, either.

In this sense, the reactions to the decision of the socialist federation of Paris (closely linked to Raphaël Glucksmann and resistant to Nupes) to present candidates in each constituency of the capital, without waiting for a potential union, are eloquent. “ What inconsistency… » breathes, for example, the ecologist David Cormand on social networks, in unison with outraged elected officials or activists. A trial which will not fail to affect Raphaël Glucksmann if he follows the same path. Wrong notes are always more noticeable in a solo.

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