Who are the largest pork producers in the world and France?

Who are the largest pork producers in the world and France?
Who are the largest pork producers in the world and France?

The year 2023 marked a significant turning point for the global pork market. Major global producers and consumers have observed notable changes, influenced by previous health crises and current economic adjustments. This detailed analysis explores the production, consumption and export dynamics that characterize the sector in 2023.

World pork production

China, the European Union and the United States: The production giants

In 2023, China continued to dominate global pork production, accounting for almost half of global production. The European Union and the United States follow with 18.0% and 10.7% of global production respectively. These figures illustrate not only China’s massive capacity but also the strategic distribution of production capacity on a global scale.

Canada and Vietnam: significant players

Behind these giants, Canada and Vietnam are emerging as significant players, although their share in global production remains modest. Canada, with 1.8% of global production, plays a crucial role in balancing the market, particularly thanks to its high quality standards.

Global consumption and preferences

A general increase in consumption

Since 2019, global consumption of pork has increased by 14%, reaching 114 million tonnes of carcass equivalent in 2023. China remains the world’s leading consumer with consumption exceeding 50 million tonnes, a sign of the cultural and economic of this product in the country.

Export dynamics and international competition

The European Union is losing ground

Historically leader, the European Union has seen its share of global exports decrease, from 41.1% in 2019 to 31.0% in 2023. This decline is symptomatic of the overall readjustments of the market and the new export strategies adopted by other nations.

The United States and Brazil on the rise

The United States and Brazil are showing impressive growth in their export volumes. Brazil, in particular, thanks to competitive production costs and strategic investments, has seen its exports increase by 64% since 2019. This dynamic positions Brazil as a serious competitor in Asian markets, traditionally dominated by Europe.

The role of France in the pork market

Third largest producer in the European Union

France is positioned as the third largest producer of pigs in the European Union, with a herd in 2020 estimated at 13.2 million head. This number includes 0.95 million sows and 7 million fattening pigs, highlighting the scale of its pork industry.

Production concentrated in the Great West

More than 80% of French pork production is located in the Great West of the country, a region that benefits from a climate and agricultural resources favorable to pig farming. Brittany, with 57% of production, is followed by Pays de la Loire, Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Normandy. This regional concentration promotes logistical efficiency and the integration of production stages.

Farm structure and dominant model

In 2020, France had around 9,500 pig farms producing more than 300 pigs each, representing 99% of national production. The farrower-finisher model is predominant, representing 37% of sites and 58% of pork butchers produced. This integrated model allows better management of quality and production costs.

Slaughterings and contribution to European production

France slaughtered around 23.3 million pigs in 2020, generating 2.2 million tonnes of carcass equivalent, which represents 9% of European production. Despite a significant drop in the number of heads since 2000, the production volume remains relatively stable thanks to an increase in the average weight of animals slaughtered.

As a European agricultural power, France plays a crucial role in the pork market, not only in terms of volume but also in terms of innovative and sustainable agricultural practices. Its strategic position allows it to meet both internal demands and the requirements of export markets, while facing contemporary economic and environmental challenges.

Projections and outlook for 2024

Modest but optimistic projections

According to the latest USDA projections, export and consumption volumes are expected to remain stable with a slight increase expected for 2024. This trend reflects a stabilization of the market after the turbulence of previous years due to swine fever in China.

Challenges and opportunities ahead

The global pork market remains subject to volatility due to health and economic factors. However, the continued adaptation of major players and the emergence of new markets in Asia offer opportunities for growth and reconfiguration of global supply chains.

A sector in constant evolution

The pork market in 2023 perfectly illustrates the complexity and dynamics of global agricultural markets. Between health challenges and economic adjustments, market players must navigate a constantly evolving environment, while anticipating future trends to remain competitive. This analysis highlights the forces present and the strategies to consider to maintain balance and stimulate growth in this vital sector of global agri-food.

Source de l'article : https://www.franceagrimer.fr/fam/content/download/68229/document/FICHE%20FILIERE%20PORCINE%202022.pdf?version=4


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