How the Swiss Conference on Ukraine intends to find the path to peace


Switzerland is organizing the conference at the luxurious Bürgenstock Hotel.


Switzerland is organizing the High-Level Conference on Peace in Ukraine on June 15 and 16 at Bürgenstock, in the canton of Nidwalden. Overview of the issues.

This content was published on

June 11, 2024 – 10:02

What are the official objectives?

The objectives of the Conference are: “To stimulate a future peace process, to develop practical elements and to define the steps towards such a process,” as the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs writes. Participating states must be able to contribute ideas and concepts for a “comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine”.

Initially, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s ten-point peace plan was to be at the heart of the discussions. But as several of the points remain illusory at this stage, the emphasis will undoubtedly be placed on those that can be supported by most of the participating States: food security (the export of Ukrainian agricultural products), nuclear security (notably nuclear power plants nuclear weapons) and the exchange of prisoners of war and deportees.

On January 15, Volodymyr Zelensky went to Bern for an official visit. The discussions focused on how to proceed after the four meetings of national security advisers devoted to the Ukrainian peace formula. On this occasion, Switzerland announced that it would organize a high-level summit.


Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis and Federal President Viola Amherd are seen as the driving forces behind the conference. This has earned them sometimes severe criticism, both in Switzerland and abroad.

Keystone / Anthony Anex

This process, essentially technical, was thus brought to the political level. This was very much in line with Ukraine, which was at that time increasingly under military pressure as international attention waned following the war between Israel and Hamas.

In the past, Switzerland has repeatedly offered itself as a venue for dialogue between Russia and Ukraine and offered its good offices. The organization of the Conference on the Reconstruction of Ukraine in Lugano, Ticino, is seen in Switzerland as a positive example of how Bern can engage as a mediator. This format was later taken up in other places and allowed Ukraine to benefit from international support for its reconstruction.

What are Ukraine’s expectations?

Last year, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky proposed such a conference, in which as many countries as possible would participate, with the aim of putting pressure on Russia through diplomatic channels. Volodymyr Zelensky’s main demand is the withdrawal of Russian troops from all Ukrainian territory (including Crimea). A position from which the president does not deviate, despite the military impasse and the weakened solidarity of the West.

Nearly two and a half years have passed since the great Russian invasion. The war continues intensely, but neither side seems able to gain an advantage over the other in the near future. For Ukraine, it is important that the conflict does not escape the attention of global public opinion, as it still depends on international military and financial aid to defend itself.

In the best-case scenario, Ukraine will be able to find additional support for its peace plan. This, however, requires a critical number of states to visit Switzerland. Ukrainian politician Jelysaweta Jasko, a foreign affairs specialist, hopes for a coalition of international partners that will, at some point, involve Russia and ultimately end the war, she told


What do you expect from the Ukraine peace conference at Bürgenstock?

The aim is to stimulate a future peace process. We look forward to hearing your feedback!

See the discussion

What are Switzerland’s expectations?

Since the start of the great Russian invasion, Switzerland has been constantly under pressure. First with the hesitant resumption of sanctions against Russia, then due to the refusal, justified by the law of neutrality, to authorize the transmission to Ukraine of weapons from Western stocks.

Added to this was the freezing of the assets of Russian oligarchs, carried out in a way that was too defensive in the eyes of certain governments. Switzerland certainly provides humanitarian aid and focuses on humanitarian demining (on which it will organize a conference in October). However, it is often criticized for contributing relatively little to international efforts.

The government sees itself as a neutral mediator who lends itself to dialogue. Swiss neutrality has, however, been discredited on several occasions, bordering on opportunism, in the context of the Russian attack contrary to international law. Through its efforts towards a possible peace solution, Switzerland can potentially respond to these criticisms. Additionally, she currently serves on the UN Security Council as a non-permanent member. She therefore has the possibility of presenting herself as a defender of multilateralism in different forums.

These summits are also an opportunity to discuss bilateral issues. Switzerland is economically and politically on the side of the West, where its main interests also lie. And it is the Western delegations which will certainly be the most numerous at the Bürgenstock Conference.

Finally, the organization of conferences also represents a form of soft power: in the idyllic setting of the Bürgenstock, Switzerland can show off its postcard decor and strengthen its reputation as a reliable host.

>> A look at the Conference venue in the heart of picturesque Switzerland:


>>View of Lake Lucerne


Conference on Ukraine: diplomacy in a setting steeped in history

This content was published on

June 4. 2024

The Bürgenstock hotel, which will host the Ukraine Peace Conference, has already had several appointments with History.

read more Conference on Ukraine: diplomacy in a setting steeped in history

Who participates?

Switzerland invited 160 delegations. The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs speaks of more than 80 official registrations, while Ukraine mentions more than 100 promises of participation. The final list of participants will be published shortly before the start of the Conference, which will make it possible to know which country will be represented at which diplomatic level.

In addition to states, the EU, the UN, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, the Vatican and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople are also invited. Half of the promises come from Europe, the other half from the rest of the world.

The Western camp is therefore well represented. The explicit objective was for as many countries from the South to participate as possible. With India, an important member of BRICS is present. However, heavyweights are missing.

Who doesn’t participate?

China and Brazil refused to take part in the Conference. Without Russia’s participation, such a meeting is meaningless, they argued. Other countries, mainly from the South, have not registered or will not be present at the highest level for the same reason.

But another reason is mentioned: several countries, such as China, Brazil, South Africa or Turkey, have launched or proposed their own peace initiatives. In recent years, certain states have facilitated negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, concerning prisoner exchanges or the export of grain via the Black Sea in particular.

At a higher level, many countries view the war as a conflict between the United States and Russia. In this context, the diplomatic game proves useful in raising the price of their position.

Why is Russia not participating?

Since the Conference was announced, Russia has repeatedly publicly repeated that it will not participate. On the sidelines of a debate at the UN Security Council, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov even declared this personally to his Swiss counterpart Ignazio Cassis. Discussions took place within the Federal Council as to whether an invitation should nevertheless be sent to Russia. The government finally gave up so as not to provoke Moscow after the very clear announcement of its non-participation.

In recent weeks, Russia has strongly opposed the Conference and put pressure on states not to participate. The Kremlin has long stopped considering Switzerland neutral and has called it an “openly hostile country.” Furthermore, Russia’s demands are diametrically opposed to those of Ukraine. Moscow demands the demilitarization of Ukraine and its neutrality. In addition, Russia has already signed the decree annexing several Ukrainian regions. For its part, Ukraine insists on the complete evacuation of its national territory.

It is obvious that we can only determine after the fact whether a diplomatic summit was a success or a failure. Critical voices abroad, as well as in the Federal Parliament, denounce the fact that too few influential states participate in the Bürgenstock Conference.

Russian propaganda, which has been hitting Switzerland hard for weeks, is causing nervousness in the Federal Palace. Some parliamentarians nevertheless emphasize that such initiatives are necessary in times of war, even with the risk that they will fail.

The participants suggested that a final document incorporating as many points as possible proposed by Ukraine could be signed at the end of the Conference. In the diplomatic agenda, this would be an intermediate step, before a future conference to which other states, including possibly Russia, would be invited.

Proofread and verified by Marc Leutenegger, translated from German by Zélie Schaller



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