LIVE – Legislative elections: last week of the campaign, no absolute majority emerges according to the polls

LIVE – Legislative elections: last week of the campaign, no absolute majority emerges according to the polls
LIVE – Legislative elections: last week of the campaign, no absolute majority emerges according to the polls

Le Pen believes that “all that Macron will have left is resignation” to emerge from a political crisis

«I am not calling on Emmanuel Macron to resign. I am respectful of institutions. I just note that, when there is a political blockage, when there is a political crisis, there are three possibilities», Launched Marine Le Pen on the sidelines of a trip to Courrières, in the Pas-de-Calais constituency where she intends to be re-elected as a deputy.

«There is the reshuffle, there is the dissolution or there is the resignation of the president. The reshuffle, for once, in this circumstance, would not seem extremely useful to me. The dissolution has just been carried out for a year. The president will therefore only have to resign to potentially emerge from a political crisis.», Estimated Marine Le Pen.

“It’s an observation”

«This is an observation. It’s not a request, he will do exactly what he wants and what the Constitution gives him the freedom to do», added the unfortunate triple candidate at the Elysée, while the first screening of Figaro announces a relative majority for the RN.

Emmanuel Macron indicated last week that he ruled out resigning, whatever the outcome of the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.



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