Elections 2024: after the clear decline of the PS, President Paul Magnette presented his resignation to the party office

Elections 2024: after the clear decline of the PS, President Paul Magnette presented his resignation to the party office
Elections 2024: after the clear decline of the PS, President Paul Magnette presented his resignation to the party office

The PS has made the choice to go into opposition at all levels of power, announced Monday the president of the PS, Paul Magnette, at the end of a Political Bureau which analyzed the result of the elections.

“The debate that we led led us to draw the entirely logical conclusion from this situation: it is logical for us to go everywhere in opposition since the wave has been to the right and the winners are the MR and the Engaged,” he declared. If in Wallonia, this choice was self-evident given that together the liberals and the centrists have a majority, it was not expected in Brussels where the socialists are difficult to get around.

“There is a formula where the PS can be bypassed. It is up to the MR, the leading political party in Brussels, to make the contacts. We will see. A priori, we are choosing the opposition. There is a wave which is “is moving to the right and the entire French-speaking political landscape has moved to the right,” added Mr. Magnette. “There is a general European trend. All of Europe has moved to the right, Belgium has been no exception.”

The president of the French-speaking socialists asked the Bureau the question of whether he should remain in his post. “Unanimously, he asked me to continue the work and to begin the campaign for the municipal elections without delay,” said Mr. Magnette.

ps paul magnette



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