Jean-Marc Nollet, Georges Gilkinet, John Pitseys: these political leaders who were not re-elected

Jean-Marc Nollet

The one who was head of the list for the Chamber in Hainaut received only 5,344 preference votes. He therefore lost his seat as federal deputy. After the Ecolo debacle, Jean-Marc Nollet announced that he was resigning from the presidency of the party, together with the other co-president of the Greens, Rajae Maouane. “A page turns. A new generation will take responsibility”he said on La Première.

Georges Gilkinet


Deputy Prime and Federal Minister in charge of Mobility Georges Gilkinet was head of the list for the Chamber in Namur. With 4,329 preferred votes, he was not re-elected and lost the seat of federal deputy that he occupied before becoming a minister. Ecolo’s poor score did not allow the party to win any elected official in Namur. The seat thus lost by the Greens was recovered by the MR.

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Samuel Cogolati

Samuel Cogolati at Wild Labo a few days before Valentine's Day.
Samuel Cogolati ©MICHEL TONNEAU

Second on the list in Liège for the Chamber behind Sarah Schlitz, Samuel Cogolati collected 5,087 preference votes and thus lost his seat as a deputy. Sarah Schlitz will therefore be the only Green elected official in the constituency, with 11,359 preference votes. Other Green deputies also lost their seats, such as Simon Moutquin in the Chamber or Gilles Vanden Burre, head of the Green group in the Brussels parliament.

Marie-Colline Leroy

State secretary for gender equality and diversity Marie-Colline Leroy pictured during a press conference after a Minister's Kern meeting of the Federal Government, Friday May 17, 2024 in Brussels. BELGA PHOTO HATIM KAGHAT

The one who succeeded Sarah Schlitz after her resignation from the post of Secretary of State for Gender Equality, Equal Opportunities and Diversity was second on the Ecolo list for the Chamber in Hainaut, behind Jean-Marc Nollet . Neither was re-elected. Marie-Colline Leroy therefore loses her federal seat, with only 4,805 preferred votes.

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Sophie Rohonyi

Sophie Rohonyi
Sophie Rohonyi ©JC Guillaume

Ecolo is not the only party to experience a significant electoral setback. In Brussels, Défi fell heavily, taking with it its president François De Smet, who resigned from office on Monday. The amaranth party won only one seat in the House. Federal MP Sophie Rohonyi, who was second on the list behind François De Smet, is paying the price. She received 5,490 preference votes and lost her seat.

John Pitseys

John Pitseys, head of the Ecolo group in the Brussels Parliament
John Pitseys ©Bauweraerts Didier

He was head of the Ecolo group in the Brussels parliament. With 1,065 preference votes, John Pitseys lost his seat as Brussels deputy. His eighth place on the Brussels regional list of Écolo did not allow him to be re-elected. In Brussels, the French-speaking Greens lost 8 seats, going from 15 to 7 seats in the regional parliament. In the House, they go from 13 to 3 seats. In Wallonia, they go from 12 to 5 seats.

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Jean-Charles Luperto

Jean-Charles Luperto
Jean-Charles Luperto ©EdA – Florent Marot

The mayor of Sambreville was second on the regional PS list in Namur, behind Eliane Tillieux. Jean-Charles Luperto collected 8,557 preferred votes, an insufficient score to maintain his seat in the Walloon parliament. The Socialist Party lost ground in Wallonia, becoming the second French-speaking party, behind the MR. Other deputies have fallen by the wayside, like Daniel Senesael.

Marino Keulen

Open Vld's Marino Keulen holds an umbrella as he arrives for a party bureau of Flemish liberal party Open Vld, Monday June 10, 2024 in Brussels, after yesterday's regional, federal and European elections. BELGA PHOTO HATIM KAGHAT

Among the Flemish parties, it is the Open VLD, the party of outgoing Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, which suffers the heaviest defeat. Marino Keulen, Flemish regional deputy and former Flemish minister, falls with his party. Second on the list for the Flemish parliament in Limburg behind Lydia Peeters, he received 8,704 preference votes and thus lost his seat.



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