Connection problems for AXA customers switching to Crelan

Connection problems for AXA customers switching to Crelan
Connection problems for AXA customers switching to Crelan

by Niels Saelens
published on Monday June 10, 2024 has 16:13
3 min read

Crelan completed the merger with AXA Bank Belgium this weekend. Around 840,000 AXA customers have been transferred to Crelan’s IT system. This process went well, but some AXA customers are having problems connecting to the new Crelan application.

In the news : The takeover of AXA Banque by Crelan was announced at the end of 2021, but this weekend marked the end of the merger with the integration of AXA clients. Thanks to this merger, Crelan is now the fifth largest bank in the country.

  • Crelan transferred AXA Banque’s 330 branches and around 840,000 customers to its own IT platform this weekend.
  • It’s always a delicate process. Other banks have encountered similar problems in the past. For example, BNP Paribas Fortis struggled earlier this year after transferring 1 million bpost bank customers to the big bank.
  • The move from AXA to Crelan has gone well for many clients, according to initial reports. However, De Tijd reports that some old AXA customers are having problems connecting to Crelan.
    • Connection can be done via the existing AXA mobile application, the Itsme connection application or a digipass. Customers have difficulty registering with any method.
  • According to Crelan, the connection problems are due to the massive influx of new customers.
    • “In fact, there is no problem with the application itself,” Crelan spokesperson Caroline Beauvois told De Tijd. “We also planned for greater computing capacity for more customers needing to connect. But there are so many customers wanting to check in at the same time that waiting times are created. We ask people to be patient and try again at another time. »

Other problems with Crelan

But : Those who already have access to the Crelan application cannot yet use all services.

  • “In this way, we are creating additional capacity to enable AXA Bank’s many clients to easily transition to Crelan’s digital environment,” explains a press release.
  • The lighter version of the application allows (new) customers to consult their accounts, make transfers within Europe and view credit card payments. For customers already at Crelan, nothing changes.
  • The next features should be available in the coming days: consult investments, make instant payments, modify direct debits or standing orders, or even consult credits.


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