voting by proxy, how does it work? Here is the instructions for use

voting by proxy, how does it work? Here is the instructions for use
voting by proxy, how does it work? Here is the instructions for use

Who should give their power of attorney to?

Each citizen is free to choose the voter of their choice to vote for them. The latter will have to come to your polling station to submit your ballot, without having to reside in the same municipality as you. However, there is an exception for people placed under guardianship. Certain members of their entourage cannot be designated to assume this responsibility.

A voter can only represent one person, if the proxy was made in France.

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“Today, the President of the Republic is putting forward a demand for “clarity in the debates” to explain his decision to dissolve and send voters to the polls in the coming weeks”, judge Julien Robin, specialist in parliamentary life French

Should you request one or two proxies?

The elections take place in two rounds: June 30 then July 7. When making your request, you can specify whether the document concerns only the first round, the second, or both. Please note, if you decide to vote by proxy for both dates, by choosing two different voters for the first and second rounds, you will have to complete the process twice, for each of these people.

You can also opt for a fixed-term power of attorney request. The latter allows you to authorize a voter to vote in your place for a given period, up to a maximum of one year.

How to apply online?

There are several ways to request a power of attorney. The process can be carried out entirely online, provided that you have a certified France Identity identity. The latter can be requested by voters with an identity card in “bank card” format and an account with the France Connect authentication service.

You can also make part of your request online, with the Maprocuration teleservice. You will then just have to go to a police station, a gendarmerie, a judicial court or a place defined by the prefect to have your identity verified. You will be asked for proof to prove that you are the person who made the request, as well as a reference number received by email at the end of the online process. A new email will then be sent to you to confirm the validity of the power of attorney.

How to make your request with a paper form?

The request can also be made using a form available online. To complete it, it is possible to print it directly or complete it online before printing it. You will then have to physically go to one of the places mentioned above (gendarmerie, judicial court, etc.) with this document and proof of identity.

Last option, you can make your request by filling out a form in person, in one of the places mentioned above. You will be asked for proof of identity to validate your procedure. Please note, you will need to have the necessary information to complete the document, such as your national voter number and that of the person of your choice.

In both cases, a receipt will be given to you to confirm that your power of attorney has been taken into account.

How long does it take to make my request?



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