Weather report. Violent storms in Lyon and the Rhône: here’s where they could strike

Weather report. Violent storms in Lyon and the Rhône: here’s where they could strike
Weather report. Violent storms in Lyon and the Rhône: here’s where they could strike


Nicolas Zaugra

Published on

June 6, 2024 at 7:40 p.m.

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Violent storms approaching in Lyon and the Rhône. Météo-France has placed the Rhône department on yellow alert for this Thursday, June 6, extended to Friday, June 7, 2024.

Sometimes violent thunderstorms are forecast over a large part of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

“Storms will develop this morning between Aquitaine and Auvergne. This afternoon, they will reactivate in the Massif Central, before spreading towards the Alps and the Jura; they could be strong, with hail and intense rain. Next night, stormy weather will persist between Aquitaine and Auvergne,” warns Keraunos, the French Observatory of Tornadoes and Violent Thunderstorms.

The entire Rhône department possibly affected

On Thursday evening, the entire department was affected by a threat of violent storms, according to Météo-France.

Violent storms are forecast throughout the Rhône department this Thursday. (©Météo-France)

Same observation this Friday afternoon where the entire department could be affected by storms.

Saturday, more localized storms

Météo-France forecasts more localized storms in the morning of Saturday June 8, in the Beaujeu sector, in Beaujolais, towards Pusignan next to the metropolis of Lyon and in the Vienne sector in northern Isère.

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In the evening, thunderstorms are expected in Neuville-sur-Saône and its surroundings, L’Arbresle, Tarare, Belleville, Villefranche-sur-Saône, Beaujeu, Trades. During the night, they could persist in this area.

And Sunday, again threats of thunderstorms

It is especially on Sunday June 9, from the afternoon, that the risk of storms will be greatest, predicts meteorologist Guillaume Séchet. “This is the moment when the cool air will tend to want to impose itself on France and we will have a significant conflict with the warm mass coming from the south. We will have strong thunderstorms, accumulations of rain could be significant in the region. »

Météo-France is indeed forecasting storms across the whole of the Rhône again in the afternoon with stronger storms over Lyon, Neuville-sur-Saône, Pusignan and Vienne in Isère.

On Sunday evening, the stormy episode could affect the Lyon basin, the Villefranche sector and eastern Beaujolais.

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