The time change must stop, according to a psychologist

The time change must stop, according to a psychologist
The time change must stop, according to a psychologist

The director of the sleep laboratory Once upon a night believes it is time to put an end to the time change.

• Also read: Time change: “We feel it in our body”

• Also read: End of time change: it would be better to stay on winter time, says expert

In an interview with LCN, Marie-Hélène Pennestri insisted on the many negative impacts of this practice.

“We made the time change for economic reasons,” said the psychologist. Today, these reasons no longer hold. On a biological level, whether it’s our mental or physical health, there is absolutely no benefit to the time change.”

Ms. Pennestri believes that people should mobilize during public consultations so that Quebec intervenes.

“Standard time is the one that is best suited to outdoor light cycles,” she stressed. What we want is to align ourselves with the sun. […] Light is what most influences our biological rhythm.”

The presence of light in the morning has a significant effect on the biological rhythm, according to Marie-Hélène Pennestri.

“We want to be exposed to sunlight in the morning,” she added. I know it’s nice, summer evenings with the sun, but it’s not something that’s good for us. It exposes us to the light late. It makes us go to bed later and most of us have to get up early.”

The time change will take place at 2 a.m. on the night of Saturday to Sunday.

Watch the full interview in the video above.




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